Thursday, July 4, 2024

Educational Evaluation and Research: Similarities and Differences


Educational Evaluation and Research: Similarities and Differences

Gene V. Glass and Blaine R. Worthen
Laboratory of Educational Research
University of Colorado

This paper is excerpted in large part from the authors' paper "Educational Inquiry and the Practice of Education," which is scheduled to appear chapter in Frameworks for Viewing Educational Research, Development, Diffusion, and Evaluation, ed. by H. Del Shalock (Monmouth, Oregon: Teaching Research Division of Oregon State System of Higher Education, press).
Curriculum evaluation is complex. It is not a simple matter of stating behavioral objectives or building a test or analyzing some data, though it may include these. A thorough curriculum evaluation will contain elements of a dozen or more distinct activities. The mixture of activities that a particular evaluator concocts will, of course, be influenced by resources time, money, and expertise, the good-will of curriculum developers, and the like. But equally important (and more readily influenced) is what image the evaluator holds of his speciality: its responsibilities, duties, uniquenesses, and similarities to related endeavors. Some readers may think that entirely too much fuss is being made defining "evaluation." But we cannot help being concerned with the of words and, more importantly, with how they influence action. We frequently meet persons responsible for evaluating a program whose efforts are victimized by the particular semantic problem addressed paper. By happenstance, habit, or methodological bias, they may, for example label the trial and investigation of a new curriculum program with the epithet "research" or "experiment" instead of "evaluation." Moreover, the inquiry they conduct is different for their having chosen to call it a research project or an experiment, and not an evaluation. Their choice predisposes the literature they read (it will deal with research or experimental design), the consultants they call in (only acknowledged experts in designing and analyzing experiments), and how they report the results (always in the best tradition of the American Educational Research Journal or the Journal of Experimental Psychology). These are not the paths to relevant data or rational decision-making about curricula. Evaluation is an undertaking separate from research. Not every educational researcher can evaluate a new curriculum, anymore than every physiologist can perform a tonsilectomy.

Educational research and evaluation have much in common. However, since this is a time when the two are frequently confused with each other, there is a point in emphasizing their differences rather than their similarities. The best efforts of the investigator whose responsibility is evaluation but whose conceptual perspective is research may eventually prove to be worthless as either research or evaluation.

This paper represents an attempt to deal with one problem that should be resolved before much conceptual work on evaluation can proceed effectively-- that is, how to distinguish the more familiar educational research from the newer, less familiar activity of educational evaluation. In the sections that follow, we deal with three interrelated aspects of the problem: first, we attempt to define and distinguish between research and evaluation as general classes of educational inquiry, second, we consider the different types of research and evaluation within each general class, and third, we discuss eleven characteristics that differentiate research from evaluation.

In spite of the shortcomings of simple verbal definitions, such definitions can serve as a point of departure. Those that follow serve only as necessary precursors and will be elaborated and defined more fully through the discussion of each activity later in this paper.

a) Research is the activity aimed at obtaining generalizable knowledge by contriving and testing claims about relationships among variables or describing generalizable phenomena. This knowledge, which may result in theoretical models, functional relationships, or descriptions, may be obtained by empirical or other systematic methods and may or may not have immediate application.

b) Evaluation is the determination of the worth of a thing. It is the process of obtaining information for judging the worth of an educational program, product, procedure, or educational objective, or the potential utility of alternative approaches designed to attain specified objectives. According to Scriven: "The activity consists simply in gathering and combining of performance data with a weighted set of goal scales to yield either comparative or numerical ratings; and in the justification of (a) the data- gathering instruments, (b) the weightings, and (c) the selection of goals." [Note 1]

We have not defined research very differently from the way in which it is generally viewed (e.g., by Kerlinger, 1964). However, definitions of evaluation are much more varied [Note 2], and while most of these definitions are relevant to evaluation, in that they describe or define parts of the total evaluation process or activities attendant on evaluation, they seem to address only obliquely what is for us the touchstone of evaluation: the determination of merit or worth. Our definition is intended to focus directly on the systematic collection and analysis of information to determine the worth of a thing.

Working within this framework, the curriculum evaluator would first identify the curriculum goals and, using input from appropriate reference groups, determine whether or not the goals are good for the students, parents, and community served by the curriculum program. He would then collect evaluative information that bears on those goals as well as on identifiable side-effects that result from the program. When the data have been analyzed and interpreted, the evaluator would judge the worth of the curriculum and in most cases communicate this in the form of a recommendation to the individual or body ultimately responsible for making decisions about the program.

Both research and evaluation can be further divided into subactivities. The distinction between basic and applied research seems to be well entrenched in the parlance of educational research. Although these constructs might more properly be thought of as the ends of a continuum than as a dichotomy, they do have utility in differentiating between broad classes of activities. [Note 3] The distinction between the two also helps when the relationship of research to evaluation is considered. The United States National Science Foundation adopted the following definitions of basic and applied research:

Basic research is directed toward increase of knowledge; it is research where the primary aim of the investigator is a fuller understanding of the subject under study rather than a practical application thereof. Applied research is directed toward practical applications of knowledge. [Applied research projects] have specified commercial objectives with respect to either products or processes. [Note 4]
Applied research, when successful, results in plans, blueprints, or directives for development in ways that basic research does not. In applied research, the knowledge produced must have almost immediate utility, whereas no such constraint is imposed on basic research. Basic research results in a deeper understanding of phenomena in systems of related phenomena, and the practical utility of the knowledge thus gained need not be foreseen.

Two activities that might be considered variants of applied research are institutional research and operations research, activities aimed at supplying institutions or social systems with data relevant to their operations. To the extent that the conclusions of inquiries of this type are generalizable, at least across time, these activities may appropriately be subsumed under the "research" rubric. However, where the object of the search becomes nongeneralizable information on performance characteristics of a specific program or process, the label "evaluation" might more appropriately be applied.

Evaluation has sometimes been considered merely a form of applied research that focuses only on one curriculum program, one course, or one lesson. This view ignores an obvious difference between the two--the level of generality of the knowledge produced. Applied, as opposed to basic, research is mission-oriented and aimed at producing knowledge relevant to providing a solution (generalizable) to a general problem. Evaluation is focused on collecting specific information relevant to a specific problem, program, or product.

It was mentioned earlier that many "types" of evaluation have been proposed in writings on the subject. For example, the process of needs analysis (identifying and comparing intended outcomes of a system with actual outcomes on specified variables) might well qualify as an evaluation activity if, as Scriven (1967) and Stake (1970) have suggested, the intended outcomes are themselves thoroughly evaluated. The assessment of alternative plans for attaining specified objectives might also be considered a unique evaluation function (see the discussion of "input" evaluation by Stufflebeam, 1968), although it seems to us that such an assessment might be considered a variant. form of outcome evaluation that occurs earlier in the temporal sequence and attempts to establish the worth of alternative plans for meeting desired goals. Other proposed evaluation activities such as "program monitoring" (Worthen & Gagne, 1969) or "process evaluation" (Stufflebeam, 1968) seem in retrospect to belong less to evaluation than to operations management or some other function in which information is collected but no evaluation occurs.

The difficulty inherent in deciding whether or not other activities of the types discussed above should be considered as "evaluation" may well stem from the conflict of the roles and goals of evaluation that was mentioned by Scriven (1967). Evaluation can contribute to the construction of a curriculum program, the prediction of academic success, the improvement of an existing course, or the analysis of a school district's need for compensatory education. But these are roles it can play and not the goal it seeks. The goal of evaluation must be to answer questions of selection, adoption, support, and worth of educational materials and activities. It must be directed toward answering such questions as, "Are the benefits of this curriculum program worth its cost?" or "Is this textbook superior to its competitors?" The typical evaluator is trained to play other roles besides evaluating. However, all of his activities (e.g., test construction, needs assessment, context description) do not become evaluation by merit of the fact that they are done by an evaluator. (Evaluators brush their teeth, but brushing teeth is not therefore evaluation.)

Unless inclusion of hybrid activities becomes essential to the point under consideration, the terms "research" and "evaluation" will be used in the remainder of this paper to refer to the "purest" type of each, basic research and outcome evaluation. That this approach results in over- simplification is admitted, but the alternative of attempting to discuss all possible nuances is certain to result in such complexity that the major points in this paper would be completely obfuscated.

Eleven characteristics of inquiry that distinguish research from evaluation are discussed below.

  1. Motivation of the Inquirer. Research and evaluation appear generally to be undertaken for different reasons. Research is pursued largely to satisfy curiosity; evaluation is done to contribute to the solution of a particular problem. The researcher is intrigued; the evaluator (or at least, his client) is concerned. The researcher may believe that his work has greater long-range payoff than the evaluator's. However, one must be nimble to avoid becoming bogged down in the seeming paradox that the policy decision to support basic inquiry because of its ultimate practical payoff does not imply that researchers are pursuing practical ends in their daily work.
  2. The Objectives of the Search. Research and evaluation seek different ends. Research seeks conclusions; evaluation leads to decisions (see Tukey, 1960). Cronbach and Suppes distinguish between decision-oriented and conclusion-oriented inquiry. In a decision-oriented study the investigator is asked to provide information wanted by a decision-maker: a school administrator, a government policy- maker, the manager of a project to develop a new biology textbook, or the like. The decision-oriented study is a commissioned study. The decision-maker believes that he needs information to guide his actions and he poses the question to the investigator. The conclusion-oriented study, on the other hand, takes its direction from the investigator's commitments and hunches. The educational decision-maker can, at most, arouse the investigator's interest in a problem. The latter formulates his own question, usually a general one rather than a question about a particular institution. The aim is to conceptualize and understand the chosen phenomenon; a particular finding is only a means to that end. Therefore, he concentrates on persons and settings that he expects to be enlightening. [Note 5] Conclusion-oriented inquiry is much like what is referred to here as research; decision-oriented inquiry typifies evaluation as well as any three words can.
  3. Laws versus Descriptions. Closely related to the distinction between conclusion-oriented and decision-oriented are the familiar concepts of nomothetic (law-giving) and idiographic (descriptive of the particular). Research is the quest for laws, that is, for statements of the relationships among two or more variables or phenomena. Evaluation merely seeks to describe a particular thing with respect to one or more scales of value.
  4. The Role of Explanation. The nomothetic and idiographic converge in the act of explanation, namely, in the conjoining of general laws with descriptions of particular circumstances, as in "if you like three-minute eggs back home in Vancouver you'd better ask for a five-minute egg at the Brown Palace in Denver because the boiling point of water is directly proportional to the absolute pressure [the law], and at 5,280 ft. the air pressure is so low in Denver that water boils at 1950F [the circumstances]." Scientific explanations require scientific laws, and the disciplines related to education appear to be far from the discovery of general laws on which explanations of incidents of schooling can be based. There is considerable confusion among investigators in education about the extent to which evaluators should explain ("understand") the phenomena they evaluate. A fully proper and useful evaluation can be conducted without producing an explanation of why the product or program being evaluated is good or bad or of how it operates to produce its effects. It is fortunate that this is so, since evaluation in education is so needed and credible explanations of educational phenomena are so rare.
  5. Autonomy of the Inquiry. The important principle that science is an independent and autonomous enterprise is well stated by Kaplan: It is one of the themes of this book that the various sciences, taken together, are not colonies subject to the governance of logic, methodology, philosophy of science, or any other discipline whatever, but are, and of right ought to be, free and independent. Following John Dewey, I shall refer to this declaration of scientific independence as the principle of autonomy of inquiry. It is the principle that the pursuit of truth is accountable to nothing and to no one not a part of that pursuit itself.
  6. Not surprisingly, autonomy of inquiry has proved to be an important characteristic typifying research. As Cronbach and Suppes have indicated, evaluation is undertaken at the behest of a client, while the researcher sets his own problems. It will be seen later that the differing degree of autonomy that the researcher and the evaluator enjoy has implications for how they should be trained and how their respective inquiries are pursued. [Note 6] Properties of the Phenomena That Are Assessed. Evaluation seeks to assess social utility directly. Research may yield evidence of social utility, but only indirectly--because empirical verifiability of general phenomena and logical consistency may eventually be socially useful. A touchstone for discriminating between an evaluator and a researcher is to ask whether the inquiry would be regarded as a failure if it produced no information on whether the phenomenon studied was useful or useless. A researcher answering qua researcher would probably say "No." Inquiry may be seen as directed toward the assessment of three properties of statements about a phenomenon: its empirical verifiability by accepted methods, its logical consistency with other accepted or known facts, and its social utility. Most disciplined inquiry aims to assess each property in varying degrees. In Figure 1, several areas of inquiry within psychology are classified with respect to the degree to which they seek to assess each of the above three properties. Their distance from each vertex is inversely related to the extent to which they seek the property it represents. [Note 7]

  7. "Universality" of the Phenomena Studied. Perhaps the highest correlate of the research-evaluation distinction is the "universality" of the phenomena being studied. (We apologize for the grandness of the term "universal" and our inability to find a more modest one to convey the same meaning.) Researchers work with constructs having a currency and scope of application that make the objects one evaluates seem parochial by comparison. An educational psychologist experiments with "reinforcement" or "need achievement," which he regards as neither specific to geography nor to one point in time. The effects of positive reinforcement following upon a response are assumed to be phenomena shared by most men in most times; moreover the number of specific instances of human behavior that are examples of the working of positive reinforcement is great. Not so with the phenomena studied in evaluation. A particular textbook, an organizational plan, and a filmstrip have a short life expectancy and may not be widely shared. However, whenever their cost or potential payoff rises above negligible level, they are of interest to the evaluator. Three aspects of the generalizability ("universality") of a phenomenon can be identified: generality across time (Will the phenomenon--a textbook, "self-concept," etc.--be of interest fifty years hence?); generality across geography (Is the phenomenon of any interest to people in the next town, the next state, across the ocean?); applicability of the general phenomenon to a number of specific instances (Are there many specific examples of the phenomenon being studied or is this the "one and only"?). These three features of the object of an educational inquiry can be used to classify different inquiry types. Three types of inquiry are program evaluation (the evaluation of a complex of people, materials and organization that make up a particular educational program), product evaluation (the evaluation of a medium of schooling, such as a book, a film, or a recorded tape) and educational research. Program evaluation is depicted as concerned with a phenomenon (an "educational program") that has limited generalizability across time and geography. For example, the innovative "ecology curriculum" (including instructional materials, staff, students, and other courses in the school) in the Middletown Public Schools will probably not survive the decade; it is of little interest to the schools in Norfolk, which have a different set of environmental problems and instructional resources, and has little relation- ship to other curricula with other objectives. Product evaluation is concerned with assessing the worth of something, such as a new ecology textbook or an overhead projector, which can be widely disseminated geographically but will not be of interest ten years hence or produce any reliable knowledge about the educational process in general if its properties are studied. The concepts upon which educational research is carried out are supposed to be relatively permanent and applicable to schooling nearly everywhere. As such they should subsume a large number of instances of teaching and learning.
  8. Salience of the Value Question. At least in theory, a value can be placed on the outcome of an inquiry, and all inquiry is directed toward the discovery of something worthwhile and useful. In what we are calling evaluation, it is usually quite clear that some question of value is being addressed. Indeed, in evaluation, value questions are the sine qua non, and usually they determine what information is sought, whereas in research they are not the direct object. This is not to say that value questions are not germane in research, however. The goals may be the same in both research and evaluation--placing values on alternative explanations or hypotheses--but the roles, the use to which information may be put, may be quite different. For example, the acquisition of knowledge and improvement of self-concept are clearly value laden. The value question in the derivation of a new oblique transformation technique in factor analysis is not so obvious, but it is there nonetheless. Our purpose in raising this point is to call attention to the fact that, with respect to assessing the value of things, the difference between research and evaluation is one of degree, not of kind.
  9. Investigative Techniques. Many have recently expressed the opinion that research and evaluation should employ different techniques for gathering and processing data, that the methods appropriate to research--such as comparative experimental design--are not appropriate to evaluation, or that, with respect to techniques of empirical inquiry, evaluation is a thing apart. [Note 8] These arguments have been reviewed and answered elsewhere (Glass, 1968). We shall not cover old ground here; we wish simply to note that while there may be legitimate differences between research and evaluation methods (Worthen, 1968), we see far more similarities than differences between research and evaluation with regard to the techniques by which empirical evidence is collected and judged to be sound. As Stake and Denny have indicated: "The distinction between research and evaluation can be overstated as well as understated.... Research and evaluators work within the same inquiry paradigm.... [Training programs for] both must include skill development in general educational research methodology. ," [Note 9] Hemphill has expressed the same opinion: The consequence of the differences between the proper function of evaluation studies and research studies is not to be found in differences in the subject interest or in the methods of inquiry of the researcher and of the evaluator." [Note 10] The notion that evaluation is really only sloppy research has a low incidence in writing but a high incidence in conversation--usually among researchers but also among some evaluators. This bit of slander arises from misconstruing the concept of "experimental control." One form of experimental control is achieved by the randomization of extraneous influences in a comparative experiment so that the effect of a possibly gross intervention (or treatment) on a dependent variable can be observed. Such control can be achieved either in the laboratory or the field; achieving it is a simple matter of designing an internally valid plan for assigning experimental units to treatment conditions. Basic research has no proprietary rights to such experimental control; it can be attained in the comparative study of two reinforcement schedules as well as in the comparative study of two curricula. The second form of control concerns the ability of the experimenter to probe the complex of conditions he creates when he intervenes to set up an "independent variable" and to determine which critical element in a swarm of elements is fundamental in the causal relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Control of this type occupies the greater part of the efforts of the researcher to gain understanding; however, it is properly of little concern to the evaluator. It is enough for the evaluator to know that something attendant upon the installation of Curriculum A (and not an extraneous, "uncontrolled" influence unrelated to the curriculum) is responsible for the valued outcome. To give a more definite answer about what that something is would carry evaluation into analytical research. Analytical research on the non-generalizable phenomena of evaluation is seldom worth the expense. It is only in this sense that evaluation (in the abstract) can be sloppy.
  10. Criteria for Judging the Activity. The two most important criteria for judging the adequacy of research are internal validity (to what extent the results of the study are unequivocal and not confounded with extraneous or systematic error variance) and external validity (to what extent the results can be generalized to other units--subjects, classrooms, etc.--with characteristics similar to those used in the study). If one were forced to choose the two most important of the several criteria that might be used for judging the adequacy of evaluation, they would probably be isomorphism (to what extent the information obtained is isomorphic with the reality-based information desired) and credibility (to what extent the information is viewed as believable by clients who need to use the information).
  11. Disciplinary Base. The call to make educational research multi- disciplinary is good advice for the research community as a whole; it is doubtful that the individual researcher is well advised, however, to attack his area of interest simultaneously from several different disciplinary bases. Some researchers can fruitfully work in the cracks between disciplines; but most will find it challenge enough to deal with the problems of education from the perspective of one discipline at a time. The specialization required to master even a small corner of a discipline works against the wish to make Leonardos of all educational researchers. That the educational researcher can afford to pursue inquiry within one paradigm and the evaluator cannot is one of many consequences of the autonomy of inquiry. When one is free to define his own problems for solution (as the researcher is), he seldom asks a question that takes him outside of the discipline in which he was trained. Psychologists pose questions that can be solved by the methods of psychology, as do sociologists, economists, and other scientists, each to his own. The seeds of the answer to a research question are planted with the question. The curriculum evaluator enjoys less freedom in the definition of the questions he must answer. Hence, the answers are not as likely to be found by use of a stereotyped methodology. Typically, then, the evaluator finds it necessary to employ a wider range of inquiry perspectives and techniques to deal with questions that do not have predestined answers. [Note 11]

To state as succinctly as possible the views that have led us to take the positions presented previously:

  1. Before adequate evaluation theory can be developed, it is necessary to differentiate clearly between evaluation and research.
  2. Distinguishing evaluation from research at an abstract level has direct implications for conducting evaluations and training evaluation personnel.
  3. Evaluation must include not only the collection and reporting of information that can be used for evaluative purposes, but also the actual judgment of worth.
  4. Evaluation and research are both disciplined inquiry activities that depend heavily on empirical inquiry. Evaluation draws more on philosophical inquiry and less on historical inquiry than does research.
  5. There are a variety of types of evaluation and research that differ from one another and increase the difficulty of distinguishing research from evaluation.
  6. More is to be gained at this time from drawing distinctions between evaluation and research than from emphasizing their communality. There are at least eleven characteristics of inquiry that distinguish evaluation from research. Each is important to the curriculum evaluator in guiding his approach to the evaluation of school programs and curriculum materials.

1. Scriven (1967, p. 40).

2. See, for example, definitions of evaluation provided (either explicitly or implicitly) in the following writings: Provus (1969), Scriven (-1967), Stake (1967), Stufflebeam et al. (1970), and Tyler (1949).

3. Guba and Clark (n.d.) argue that the basic distinction applied is dysfunctional and that the two kinds of activity do not rightfully belong on the same continuum. The authors admit to problems with this, as with any, classification scheme. However, attempts to replace such accepted distinctions with yet another classification system seem destined to meet with little more success than have attempts to discard the descriptors "Democrat" and "Republican" because of the wide variance within the political parties thus identified.

4. National Science Foundation (1960, p. 5).

5. Cronbach and Suppes (1969, pp. 20-21).

6. Kaplan (1964, pp. 3-6).

7. Since this conceptualization of inquiry was first presented (Glass, 1969), the authors have found some interesting corroboration of an authoritative sort. Definition 3(a) of "theory" in Webster's Third New International Dictionary is tripartite: "The coherent set of hypothetical, conceptual and pragmatic principles forming the general form of reference for a field of inquiry (as for deducing principles, formulating hypotheses for testing, undertaking actions)." The three inquiry activities in Webster's definition correspond closely to the three inquiry properties in Figure 1.

8. See, for example, Carroll (1965), Cronbach (1963), Guba and Stufflebeam (1968), and Stufflebeam (1968).

9. Stake and Denny (1969, p. 374).

10. Hemphill (1969, p. 220).

11. See Hastings (1969). The discussion has taken on an utopian tone. In reality much evaluation is becoming as stereotyped as most research. Evaluators often take part in asking the questions they will ultimately answer, and they are all too prone to generate questions out of a particular "evaluation model" (e.g., the Stake model, the CIPP model) rather than a "discipline." Stereotyping of method threatens evaluation as it threatens research (Glass, 1969).


Carroll, J. B. (1965). School Learning Over the Long Haul. Learning and the Educational Process. Edited by J. D. Krumboltz. Chicago: Rand McNally.

Cronbach, L. J. (1963). Course improvement through evaluation. Teachers College Record, 64, 672-683.

Cronbach, L. J. and Suppes, P. (1969) Research for Tomorrow's Schools: Disciplined Inquiry for Education. New York: Macmillan.

Galfo, A. J. and Miller, E. (1970). Interpreting Educational Research. 2nd Ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Co.

Glass, G. V. (1967). Reflections on Bloom's "Toward a Theory of Testing Which Includes Measurement-Evaluation-Assessment." Research Paper No. 8. Boulder, Colorado: Laboratory of Educational Research, University of Colorado.

Glass, G. V. (1968). Some Observations on Training Educational Researchers. Research Paper No. 22. Boulder, Colorado: Laboratory of Educational Research, University of Colorado.

Glass, G. V. (1969). The Growth of Evaluation Methodology. Research Paper No. 27. Boulder, Colorado: Laboratory of Educational Research, University of Colorado.

Guba, E. G. and Stufflebeam, D. L. (1968). Evaluation: The Process of Stimulating, Aiding, and Abetting Insightful Action. An address delivered at the Second National Symposium for Professors of Educational Research, Boulder, Colorado, November 21, 1968.

Guba, E. G. and Clark, D. L. (n.d.) Types of Educational Research. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University (Mimeographed.)

Hastings, J. T. (1969). The kith and kin of educational measures. Journal of Educational Measurement, 6, 127-130.

Hemphill, J. K. (1969). The Relationship Between Research and Evaluation Studies. Educational Evaluation: New Roles, New Means. Edited by R. W. Tyler. The 68th Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II. Chicago, Ill.: National Society for the Study of Education.

Hillway, T. (1964). Introduction to Research. 2nd Ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Kaplan, A. (1964). The Conduct of Inquiry. San Francisco: Chandler.

Kerlinger, F. N. (1964). Foundations of Behavioral Research. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

National Science Foundation. (1960). Reviews of Data on Research and Development, No. 17. NSF-60-10.

Provus, M. (1969). Evaluation of Ongoing Programs in the Public Schools. Educational Evaluation: New Roles, New Means . Edited by R. W. Tyler. The 68th Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II. Chicago, Ill.: National Society for the Study of Education.

Scriven, M. (1958). Definitions, Explanations, and Theories. Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 2. Edited by H. Feigl, M. Scriven, and G. Maxwell. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.

Scriven, M. (1967). The Methodology of Evaluation. Perspectives of Curriculum Evaluation. Edited by R. E. Stake. Chicago: Rand McNally.

Stake, R. E. (1967). Educational Information and the Ever-Normal Granary. Research Paper No. 6. Boulder, Colorado: Laboratory of Educational Research, University of Colorado.

Stake, R. E. and Denny, T. (1969). Needed Concepts and Techniques for Utilizing More Fully the Potential of Evaluation." Educational Evaluation: New Roles, New Means. Edited by R. W. Tyler. The 68th Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II. Chicago, Ill.: National Society for the Study of Education, 1969.

Stake, R. E. (1970). Objectives, Priorities, and Other Judgment Data. Review of Educational Research, 40(2), 181-212.

Stufflebeam, D. L. (1968). Evaluation as Enlightenment for Decision-Making. Columbus, Ohio: Evaluation Center, Ohio State University.

Stufflebeam, D. L. et al. (1970). Educational Evaluation and Decision-Making. Columbus, Ohio: Evaluation Center, Ohio State University.

Tukey, J. W. (1960). Conclusions vs. decisions. Technometrics, 2, 423-433.

Tyler, R. W. (1949). Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Worthen, B. R. (1968). Toward a taxonomy of evaluation designs. Educational Technology, 8(15), 3-9.

Worthen, B. R. and Gagne, R. M. (1969). The Development of a Classification System for Functions and Skills Required of Research and Research-Related Personnel in Education. Technical Paper No. 1. Boulder, Colorado: AERA Task Force on Research Training.

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Wisdom of Scientific Inquiry on Education

The Wisdom of Scientific Inquiry on Education

Gene V Glass
University of Colorado

This paper was written in 1970 and presented at a Convention of the National Association for Research on Science Teaching in Silver Spring, Maryland on 24 March 1971.


A few years ago, Ralph Tyler assessed the state of research on science teaching and found it in need of a more theoretical, scientific perspective. My own assessment of the field now and then is diametrically opposed to Tyler's and, incidentally, to the position taken by Pella (1966) at about the same time Tyler wrote on this subject. For fear that a paraphrasing of Tyler's position might distort his meaning, I shall quote him at some length. Tyler's prescription for improved research in science education was as follows:

Theory is the all embracing end of basic research in seeking to provide a comprehensive map of the terrain of science education. Concepts are the smaller areas which comprise the total map, or to put the metaphor in another way, the complex of science education can be understood more readily by considering the concepts as major parts of the whole, and studying these parts in greater detail than is possible with the total.... The concepts and the dynamic models furnish the map which we seek in order to understand the factors involved in, and the process of science education. They form the major part of the theory....
My criticism of current research is its failure to be guided by, or to produce an adequate map of the factors and processes in science education.... The outlining, elaboration, and testing of such a map seems to me to be the necessary focus of our attention if we are to improve research in this field. (Tyler, 1967-1968, p. 43.)
Tyler went on to name eleven prominent areas of "the map": 1) the objectives of science education; 2) the teaching-learning process; 3) the organization of learning experiences; 4) the outcomes of science education; 5) the student's development; 6) the development of teachers; 7) the objectives of education for science teachers; 8) the teaching-learning process of teacher education; 9) the outcomes of teacher education; 10) the organization of the teacher's learning experiences; 11) the process of change in science education. In my opinion, we should not strive to make research on science education or education generally more scientific. Indeed, we who call ourselves educational researchers should turn away from elucidatory inquiry in all areas of education. This type of inquiry, directed toward the construction of theories or models for the understanding and explanation of phenomena, should be left to the social and natural sciences because it is currently unproductive in education and is a profligate expenditure of precious resources of time, money, and talent. We should turn instead toward evaluative inquiry of educational developments which are the creations of masterful teachers inspired by what reliable knowledge exists in psychology, sociology, and the other sciences concerning the educating process.

My argument depends heavily on a distinction between two types of inquiry -- elucidatory and evaluative. The contrast between elucidation and evaluation is well established in aesthetics. Elucidatory aesthetics is the attempt to explain what constitutes art, or more generally beauty. Evaluative aesthetics concerns the discrimination between good and bad art -- what is beautiful and what is less beautiful -- without explanation of why an art work is good or bad. It is necessary to turn attention to the definitional problem and the related problem of distinguishing between elucidatory and evaluative inquiry.


Elucidatory inquiry is the process of obtaining generalizable knowledge by contriving and testing claims about relationships among variables or generalizable phenomena. Apologies to mathematics, history, philosophy, etc. for the obvious empirical social science bias in the definition and the thinking to follow. This knowledge results in functional or statistical relationships, models, and ultimately theories. When the results of elucidatory inquiry are combined with knowledge of particular circumstances, one obtains explanations, in the sense of Braithwaite (1953).

Evaluative inquiry is the determination of the worth of a thing. In education, it involves obtaining information to judge the worth of a program, product, or procedure. According to Scriven (1967, p. 40), "The activity consists simply in gathering and combining of performance data with a weighted set of goal scales to yield either comparative or numerical ratings; and in the justification of (a) the data-gathering instruments,(b) the weightings, and (c) the selection of goals."

Elucidatory and evaluative inquiry have many defining characteristics. Each is only imperfectly correlated with the tendency of informed persons to call activity A "elucidatory" and activity B "evaluative" just as clinical psychologists use "anxiety" as a construct to differentiate instances of behavior in a way that is not perfectly reproduced by a single measure or defining characteristic. The conceptualizations of elucidatory and evaluative inquiry are enriched by the identification of any characteristic of inquiry which has a non-zero correlation with the tendency of intelligent persons to speak of "elucidation" or "evaluation" when discussing a particular inquiry activity. Scriven (1958, p. 175) referred to such terms as "cluster concepts" or "correlational concepts." Such concepts, e.g., "schizophrenia," are known by their indicators all of which are imperfectly related to them.


Nine characteristics of inquiry which distinguish elucidation from evaluation are recognizable.

[The next eighteen paragraphs are based on a segment of the author's paper with Blaine R. Worthen entitled "Educational Inquiry and the Practice of Education" which will appear as a chapter in Shalock, H. Del (Ed.) Frameworks for Viewing Educational Research & Development, Diffusion and Evaluation. Monmouth, Oregon; Teaching Research Division of Oregon State System of Higher Education.(In press)]

1. Motivation of the Inquirer
Elucidatory and evaluative inquiry appear generally to be undertaken for different reasons. The former is pursued largely to satisfy curiosity; the latter is done to contribute to the solution of a practical problem. The theory builder is intrigued; evaluators (or at least their clients) are concerned with worth and value. Although the elucidatory inquirers may believe that their work has greater long-range payoff than the evaluator's, they are no less motivated by curiosity when performing their unique function. One must be nimble to avoid becoming bogged down in the seeming paradox that the policy decision to support basic inquiry because of its ultimate practical payoff does not imply that basic inquirers are pursuing practical ends in their daily work. Scriven (1969) argues that as regards research in mathematics, practical pay-off is increased to the extent that the mathematician is convinced he or she is not seeking practically significant results.

2. The Objective of the Search
Elucidatory and evaluative inquiry seek different ends. The former seeks conclusions; evaluation leads to decisions (see Tukey, 1960). Cronbach and Suppes (1969, pp. 20-21) distinguished between decision-oriented and conclusion-oriented inquiry.

In a decision-oriented study the investigator is asked to provide information wanted by a decision-maker: a school administrator, a government policy-maker, the manager of a project to develop a new biology textbook, or the like. The decision-oriented study is a commissioned study. Decision-makers believe that they need information to guide their actions and they pose the question to the investigator. The conclusion-oriented study, on the other hand, takes its direction from the investigator's commitments and hunches. The educational decision-maker can, at most, arouse the investigator's interest in a problem. The latter formulates the question, usually a general one rather than a question about a particular institution. The aim is to conceptualize and understand the chosen phenomenon; a particular finding is only a means to that end.

Conclusion-oriented inquiry is much like what is here referred to as elucidatory inquiry; decision-oriented inquiry typifies evaluative inquiry as well as any three words can.

3. Laws vs. Description
Closely related to the distinction between conclusion-oriented and decision-oriented are the familiar concepts of nomothetic (law-giving) and idiographic (descriptive of the particular). Elucidatory inquiry is the search for laws, i.e., statements of relationship among two or more variables or phenomena. Evaluation merely seeks to describe a particular thing with respect to one or more scales of value.

4. The Role of Explanation
Scientific explanations require scientific laws, and the disciplines related to education appear to far from discovery of the general laws on which explanations of incidents of schooling can be based. Explanations are not the goal of evaluation. A fully proper and useful evaluation can be conducted without producing an explanation of why the product or program being evaluated is good or bad or how it operates to produce its effects.

Elucidatory inquiry is characterized by a succession of studies in which greater control ("control" in the sense of the ability to manipulate specific components of independent variables) is exercised at each stage so that relationships among variables can be determined at more fundamental levels. Science seems to be an endless search for subsurface explanations, i.e., accountings of surface phenomena in terms of relationships among variables at a more subtle, covert level. Subsurface explanations are not sought after for themselves, or else the ultimate goal of science is some personal aberration, such as the science of Lawsonomy, a bizarre construction of an oddball inventor from Milwaukee. They are sought because greater precision, greater trust, the answer to the next "why?" always seems to be one stratum below the phenomena we see now. When ethologists find that the swallows return to Capistrano each March 19 because they are following the insects they feed on, they immediately ask why the insects return on March 19; and so it goes. The history of learning psychology is an excellent illustration of the continual search for subsurface explanations, though countless examples could be found in any science. Psychologists have sought increasingly more fundamental explanations of learning along a path that has led through the Law ofEffect, unravelings of the nature of reward, drive states, secondary reinforcement, and which leads inexorably toward brain physiology and the void beyond. Elucidatory inquiry chases subsurface explanations. However, it is usually enough for the evaluator to know that something attendant upon the installation of Harvard Project Physics (and not an extraneous, "uncontrolled" influence unrelated to the curriculum) is responsible for the valued outcomes; to give a more definite answer about what that something is would carry evaluation into analytical research.

5. Autonomy of the Inquiry
The independence and autonomy of science is so important that Kaplan (1964, pp. 3-6) wrote first of it in his classic The Conduct of Inquiry:

It is one of the themes of this book that the various sciences, taken together, are not colonies subject to the governance of logic, methodology, philosophy of science, or any other discipline whatever, but are, and of right ought to be, free and independent. Following John Dewey, I shall refer to this declaration of scientific independence as the principle of autonomy of inquiry. It is the principle that the pursuit of truth is accountable to nothing and to no one not a part of that pursuit itself.
Not surprisingly, autonomy of inquiry proves to be an important characteristic for distinguishing elucidatory and evaluative inquiry. As was seen incidentally in the above quote from Cronbach and Suppes, evaluation is undertaken at the behest of a client who expects that particular questions will be answered. Elucidatory inquiry must be free to follow leads which pique the curiosity of those who know most intimately the aspirations of the discipline.

6. Properties of the Pheonomena Which are Assessed
Evaluation is an attempt to assess the worth of a thing, and elucidatory inquiry is an attempt to assess scientific truth. Except that truth is highly valued and worthwhile, this distinction serves fairly well to discriminate elucidatory and evaluative inquiry. The distinction can be given added meaning if "worth" is taken as synonymous with "social utility" (which is presumed to increase with improved health, happiness, life expectancy, increases in certain kinds of knowledge, etc., and decreases with increases in privation, sickness, ignorance, and the like) and if "scientific truth" is identified with two of its possible forms: 1) empirical verifiability of statements about general phenomena with accepted methods of inquiry; 2) logical consistency of such statements. Elucidatory inquires may yield evidence of social utility, but only indirectly -- because empirical verifiability of general phenomena and logical consistency may eventually be socially useful.

In this view, all inquiry is seen as directed toward the assessment of three properties of statements about phenomena: 1) their empirical verifiability by accepted methods; 2) their logical consistency with other accepted or known facts; 3) their social utility. Most disciplined inquiry aims to assess each property in varying degrees. The definition of "theory" in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, (definition 3.a (2)) is tripartite: "The coherent set of hypothetical, conceptual and pragmatic principles forming the general form of reference for a field of inquiry (as for deducing principles, formulating hypotheses for testing, undertaking actions)." The three inquiry activities in Webster's definition correspond closely to the three inquiry properties proposed here.

7. "Universality" of the Phenomena Studied
Perhaps the highest correlate of the elucidatory-evaluative distinction is the "universality" of the phenomena studied. The term universality is a bit grand, but it conveys a meaning that might have been distorted by many more modest labels that suggest themselves. Elucidatory inquirers work with constructs having a currency and scope of application which make the objects one evaluates seem parochial by comparison. A psychologist experiments with "reinforcement" or "need achievement" which are regarded as neither specific to geography nor to one point in time. The effect of positive reinforcement following upon the responses that are observed is assumed to be a phenomenon shared by most persons in most times; moreover, the number of specific instances of human behavior which are examples of the working of positive reinforcement is great. Not so with the phenomena which educationists evaluate. A particular textbook, an organizational plan, and a film strip have a short life expectancy and may not be widely shared. However, whenever their cost or potential pay-off rises above a negligible level, they are of interest to the evaluator.

Three aspects of the "universality" of a phenomenon can be identified: 1) generality across time (Will the phenomenon -- a textbook, "Self-concept,"etc. -- be of interest fifty years hence?); 2) generality across geography (Is the phenomenon of any interest to people in the next town, the next state, across the ocean?); 3) applicability to a number of specific instances of the general phenomenon (Are there many specific examples of the phenomenon being studied or is this the "one and only"?).

8. Salience of the Value Question
At least in theory, a value can be placed on the outcome of any inquiry, and all inquiry is directed toward the discovery of something worthwhile and useful. In evaluation, it is usually quite clear that some question of value is being addressed. Indeed, value questions are the sine qua non of evaluative inquiry and usually determine what information is sought. This is not to say that value questions are not germane in elucidatory inquiry; they are just less obvious. The acquisition of knowledge of auto-mechanics or the inculcation of "good citizenship" are clearly value-laden endeavors. The value questions in the derivation of anew oblique transformation technique in factor analysis or the investigation of the transfer of information from short-term to long-term memory are not so obvious, but they are there nonetheless. With respect to assessing the value of things, the difference between elucidatory and evaluative inquiry is one of degree, not of kind.

9. Investigative Techniques
A substantial amount of opinion has been expressed recently to the effect that elucidatory and evaluative inquiry should employ different techniques for gathering and processing data, that the methods appropriate to elucidatory inquiry -- such as comparative experimental design -- are not appropriate to evaluation, or that with respect to techniques of empirical inquiry, evaluation is a thing apart. In fact, however, there are many more similarities than differences between elucidatory and evaluative inquiry with regard to the techniques by which empirical evidence is collated and judged to be sound. As Stake and Denny (1969, p. 374) indicated: "The distinction between research and evaluation can be overstated as well as understated. Researchers and evaluators work within the same inquiry paradigm .... [training programs for] both must include skill development in general educational research methodology."

Hemphill (1969, p. 220) expressed the same opinion when he wrote: "The consequence of the differences between the proper function of evaluation studies and research studies is not to be found in differences in the subject of interest or in the methods of inquiry of the researcher and of the evaluator."

Evaluation borrows inquiry techniques and knowledge for recognizing value from basic sciences and contributes little in return. Methodological research in the social sciences produces the technologies of data collection and analysis that are so important to empirical educational evaluation. In addition, knowledge produced by basic elucidatory inquiry is often critical in determining whether a particular finding from an evaluative study counts as good or bad. For example, the evaluative meaning given to the finding that a health curriculum decreased the incidence of cigarette smoking among teenagers is dependent upon the extensive medical research which established a casual link between cigarette smoking and cancer and coronary disease.

The view of the relationship between elucidatory and evaluative inquiry presented here is parasitic; some see the two living symbiotically:

To some extent evaluative research may offer a bridge between 'pure' and 'applied' research. Evaluation may be viewed as a field test of the validity of cause-effect hypotheses in basic science whether these be in the field of biology (i.e., medicine) or sociology (i.e., social work). Action programs in any professional field should be based upon the best available scientific knowledge and theory of that field. As such, evaluations of the success or failure of these programs are intimately tied to the proof or disproof of such knowledge. Since such a knowledge base is the foundation of any action program, the evaluation research worker who approaches the task in the spirit of testing some theoretical proposition rather than a set of administrative practices will in the long run make the most significant contribution to the program development. (Suchman, 1967, p. 1970)
Suchman saw "action programs" as based on scientific knowledge and theory; I see a more tenuous link between (a) what can be conceived of abstractly and established empirically in the laboratory and (b) what can be implemented in the field. There can hardly be said to exist an "intimate" connection between the success of a program in the field and some theory or hypotheses from a basic discipline. The tribal shaman may be effective for all of the wrong reasons, and a prototype turbine automobile may fail even though it is consistent in all particulars with physical theory.

One need not be able to explain phenomena to evaluate them. We can know how well or how poorly without knowing why. Understanding or elucidation is required neither in summative nor formative evaluation. We can perfectly well make summative judgments -- and we frequently do -- without understanding why one of the alternatives being evaluated scored highest on some weighted scale of value. In formative evaluation, observations of the quality of performance are made for the purpose of improving the thing that we are developing. It may seem that one can't very well make an improvement in the system unless one knows why performance was unacceptable. Otherwise, responses to data on substandard performance would be random stabs in the dark with little chance of success. If test scores indicate the prevalence of ignorance among tenth graders after studying a program unit on the relationship between birth rates, death rates, and population growth, the curriculum developers will act quite differently if they suspect the failure is due to the lack of practice in working problems rather than the complexity of the mathematics used to explain the relationship. Surely then, formative evaluation requires some greater knowledge of why performance is acceptable or unacceptable than does summative evaluation. But this greater knowledge is knowledge of particulars not codified general knowledge in the form of an abstract system of laws. We know why many things are as they are, even why somethings are good and others bad; and all of this knowledge is of particulars; it is of no general significance. My car continually loses front-end alignment because of the accident that sprung the frame; my electric razor works poorly because I dropped it on the bathroom floor. Both statements are explanations, but that doesn't make them of general interest. We pursue both formative and summative evaluation without the need to explain outcomes by reference to a system of general laws or relationships among variables.

The conclusion forces itself upon one that elucidatory inquiry on education over that past eighty years (from Joseph M. Rice to the greenest Ph.D. just now taking final orals) has been a failure for the most part. The areas that I would regard as distinctly educational research and not highly dependent on research in one of the behavioral or social sciences are such as the following: teacher behavior, teacher competence, classroom interaction, guidance theory, counseling, tests and measurement, media of instruction (e.g., television and movies), the organization of teaching (e.g., team teaching, cross-age teaching, and differentiated staffing), class size research, and many of the prominent areas of Ralph Tyler's (1967-68, p. 44) map of science education (the outcomes of science education, student development -- perhaps as opposed to human development in general -- the development of teachers, the objective of education for teachers, the teaching-learning process of teacher education, and the process of change in education, etc.).

I am not under the mistaken notion that scientific inquiry must result in errorless functional relationships among variables. Probabilistic laws are the order of the day among the sciences (physical, natural, or social). Our codified bodies of knowledge in any area are actually tendency statements about the occurrence of phenomenon A tending to be associated with the occurrence of phenomenon B. But educational research has hardly produced even tendency statements about tendency statements, i.e., that one has observed a tendency for A to tend to be associated with B sometimes and under some conditions.

Allan Mazur (1968) gave a wry assessment of the status of sociology vis a vis the more established physical and natural sciences. Mazur used as a touchstone for determining when a body of inquiry had become a science whether the discipline strikes the vast majority of people-in-general as profound. A science, he maintained, "is a body of theoretical knowledge that is not trivial. The scientist must have better theories than the layman or he's really not a scientist at all. If physics is a science because it is empirical and theoretical, it is also a science because physicists' theories about the physical world work better than the non-physicists' theories." "An empirical theoretically connected body of knowledge is science only when the people who know about the theories know more about the real world than the people who do not know the theories." At that point, Mazur asked whether sociology is a science, and answered, No. Perhaps the same frame of mind led a well-known philosopher of science to remark at lunch one day that John McDonald, author of the Travis McGee detective story series, is a better sociologist than most contemporary sociologists. Walter Lippman, who seldom revealed his academic credentials (which as a student of William James and George Santyana were considerable), made the same point several years before Mazur about the psychology of the1920's:

"We can be confident that on the whole a good meteorologist can tell us more about the weather than even the most weather-wise old sea captain. But we cannot have that kind of confidence in even the best of psychologists. Indeed, an acquaintance with psychologists will, I think, compel anyone to admit that, if they are good psychologists, they are almost certain to possess a gift of insight which is unaccounted for by their technical apparatus. Doubtless it is true that in all the sciences the difference between a good scientist and a poor one comes down at last, after all the technical and theoretical procedure has been learned, to some sort of residual flair for the realities of the subject. But in the study of human nature that residual flair, which seems to be composed of intuition, commonsense, and unconsciously deposited experience, plays a much greater role than it does in the more advanced sciences." (Lippman, 1929, p. 162)
The "science of education" certainly fails in its pretensions to scientific status if we use Mazur's criterion. There is probably far more knowledge (about how to manage and promote learning in the classroom) in the nervous systems of ten excellent teachers than an average teacher can distill from all the educational research journals in existence. Hawkins (1966) wrote that in teaching and learning "... the best practice excels the best theory in quite essential ways ...."

Teacher behavior studies provide a good illustration of the unproductive nature of most elucidatory educational inquiry. The analogy is uncomplimentary, however true it is, that most teacher behavior studies, indeed, even the best of them, have found relationships no stronger than the evidence for the ability of graph-analysts to assess personality through handwriting samples. The data in Table 1 show a typical graph-analyst's ability to rate personality traits from hand-writing samples to be nearly as good as many judge's ability to rate teacher behavior characteristics and the subsequent relation of these characteristics to the gains made by students on achievement tests. In Table 2, correlations are shown between teacher behaviors (based on the works of Bellack, Smith, Taba, Flanders, and others) and pupil achievement from one of the best studies ever performed in this area. The correlations are not indicative that instructional researchers' understanding of these phenomena is conspicuously superior to graph-analysts insight into personality.

The study of teacher behavior and its relation to student performance may be even worse off than my impertinent analogy would indicate. Barak Rosenshine has recently reviewed the experimental literature growing out of the correlational teacher behavior studies and concluded that the results of these experimental studies are greatly discouraging. When a variable once shown correlationally to have a weak or moderate relationship to student performance as manipulated experimentally, in almost all cases no influence on student performance was observed. Such is the residue of some hundreds of thousands of elucidatory inquiry about the dominant personality in the classroom.

Certainly one of the most important factors militating against successful elucidatory inquiry about education is the enormous complexity of the system educational researchers seek to understand. This reason is often advanced by educational researchers themselves, and in advancing it they bring down upon themselves accusations that they are merely making excuses for lack of diligence and insight. I certainly do not make such an ungenerous assessment of this explanation for the failure of a great deal of educational research.The system educational researchers study is as complex as any that science has ever dealt with successfully; a lake or the human heart is trivial by comparison. But the fact remains that elucidatory inquiry on education simply does not seem to have turned up any important, reliable, replicable relationships worthy of continued study. Several of these will be needed before any body of theory or even a modestly complicated model of education can be constructed. Until we get these fundamental relationships our pretensions to elucidatory inquiry on education will be vain boasting.

Psychology has the phenomenon of reinforcement which works fairly reliably. The fascinating thing about Piaget's work on cognition is that it demonstrates such a stable, replicable phenomenon: Take any three-year-old off the streets of Cleveland or out of the rain forests of Brazil, and that child won't conserve mass. But the phenomena and facts that educational research has unearthed are so fragile as to scarcely deserve the name "fact." Interactions predominate in the accumulated wisdom of educational research. A relationship among variables appears and disappears so often as a function of extraneous conditions that one genuinely never knows when to expect to see the relationship.

It has been observed that a young person seeking to make their reputation as a scholar could hardly do better than choose educational research. Current findings in the field are so interactive and ungeneralizable that a novice need only stake out a small area of interest and apply themself diligently to studying it. They will surely rise to world-wide eminence confident that their colleagues in related areas will never devise models or theories sufficiently general either to subsume their work or to prove it wrong.

The most useful scientific laws are those of physics, most of which are learned firsthand and nearly unconsciously early in life by everyone. These basic physical laws are nearly perfectly generalizable; there is no evidence that they have ever been suspended on the surface of the earth at any time in history. An astronaut in a space-capsule experiences the repeal of certain physical laws and must laboriously learn a new set. By contrast, the laws of the social and behavioral sciences are of extremely limited generality. These laws are highly interactive with factors such as geography, time, culture, and characteristics of persons. If physical Laws were as limited in generality as the laws so far discovered by social scientists, we would hesitantly creep out of bed each morning not knowing whether we would float to the ceiling or crash to the floor. If physical Laws were as erratic as the "laws" governing the educational system, we wouldn't dare to get out of bed.

Consider one of the most interesting areas of elucidatory inquiry in education in recent years: the work of Rothkopf, Frase and Anderson and others on mathemagenic behavior, in particular the control of attention. These researchers have demonstrated the striking effects on learning of the control of attention through prompts in programed instruction and adjunct questions in textual materials. On the latter question, it has been demonstrated that questions preceding paragraphs to be read cue the learner's attention to the answers to the questions and away from incidental material. Post-paragraph questions cannot cue specific passages in a paragraph and thus result in greater acquisition of information. In programed instruction, over-prompting of stimulus and response in associative learning has been shown to cause inattention to the stimulus-response pairing resulting in poor learning.

The conclusions these researchers have reached concerning the cueing and control of attentional processes are as well understood and lawful as basic educational research can hope for. Yet further work in this area has shown the facilitative effect to be highly interactive with such factors as positioning and pacing of questions, the difficulty of the material to be learned, the propinquity of question and answer, whether questions are general or specific, whether answers to questions are common or uncommon words, whether subjects can turn back in a text for review, habituation to the adjunct questions, the motivation of the learner, amount of rewards for learning, meaningfulness of material to be learned, immediate or delayed retention, the mode (visual or auditory) or presentation of the material, etc. The mathemagenic effect appears and disappears as a function of these mediating conditions even in the scientists' own make-believe world of ceteris paribus, far away from the welter of variables in a typical classroom.

J. M, Stephens in The Process of Schooling (1967) surveyed a huge portion of the educational research literature. He sampled the more trustworthy regions of that literature and came up with a distressing showing of irregularity in the findings of educational researchers for the past sixty years. Stephens's argument is that in a dozen or more areas of the teaching-learning domain, the studies investigating a certain relationship between variables divide about equally between positive and negative findings. I interpret Stephens's summary to show again that relationships among variables in education are highly interactive. To put the matter in slightly different language, the relationships which educational researchers investigate are highly context dependent. A relationship between televised instruction and student learning appears here because of administrative support and fails to appear there because of teacher attitude. In other words, the relationships among educational phenomena are very likely mediated by a huge number of influences, most of which we have yet to conceptualize properly, let alone measure validly and reliably.

If educational researchers would strive for generalizability of findings, by attempting to relieve context dependence, I am convinced that their inquiries would be pushed further and further toward the psychologists' laboratory. If elucidatory inquiry in education could be made less and less context dependent, it would look more and more like basic psychological inquiry.

We are heading here straight toward the question of whether education should persevere in attempts to build a science of education, that is, in attempts to build codified bodies of knowledge leading to models and ultimately theories about the teaching-learning and broader educational process. In a recent interview concerned with the prospects of educational research, the philosopher of science, Thomas Kuhn, seemed to answer the question just posed in the negative:

I'm not sure that there can now be such a thing as really productive educational research. It is not clear that one yet has the conceptual research categories, research tools, and properly selected problems that will lead to increased understanding of the educational process. There is a general assumption that if you've got a big problem, the way to solve it is by the application of science. All you have to do is call on the right people and put enough money in and in a matter of a few years, you will have it .But it doesn't work that way, and it never will." (See Dershimer (1970, p. 79).
I interpret Kuhn's remark to imply that the construction of a science of education is not impossible, but it is scarcely the simple matter of a redoubling of effort and faith in the application of the scientific method. The opinion is frequently expressed that educational research can never be basic research because education is a practice unlike psychology and biology which are "basic." Such reasoning is mere word play, not unlike arguing that basic research in physics is impossible because a carpenter practices physics when setting a screw (inclined plane) or pulls a nail (lever and fulcrum). Ebel (1967, p. 81) gave as one of his reasons that "basic research in education can promise very little improvement in the process of education" that "the process of education is not a natural phenomenon of the kind that has sometimes rewarded scientific study in astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, and biology. "Ebel's selection of examples deftly excluded all of the social sciences. One wonders whether he would regard them as studies of natural phenomena. The English jurist Glanville Williams dispensed with arguments from nature against contraception by saying that "the statement that an act is unnatural coming from a moralist means little more than that he doesn't like it." Ebel's use of the word appears to mean little more than that he would prefer to exclude education from basic inquiry. I do not. I believe that we could pursue with success the construction of a science of education. This pursuit could culminate in non-trivial theories with explantory and predictive power. But the question before us now is should we? Should we do it now and is it worth the price?

In my opinion, we should not. Attempts to build a theory of science teaching, for example, face the problem of a rapidly changing object of study. The phenomena that physicists have attempted to explain have a certain timeless quality about them: force, velocity, mass, etc. To be sure physicists probe new phenomena decade after decade. However, they have confidence that the stuff of which physical studies are made, will be around for a long time. In the social sciences one finds far less stability in the subject matter. Inquiries can become obsolete; circumstance of society change. John Kenneth Galbraith pointed out quite clearly in The AffluentSociety how industrialization and more sophisticated technology upset classical relationships among supply and demand and changed the function of the market. The change in the phenomena of interest to educational researchers is even more chaotic because educators pick up and discard one new idea after another. To the extent that researchers have extracted something stable and of interest out of this welter of educational practices, they look and act more like learning psychologists than like scientists studying the education system. Published educational research has an aroma of Chippendale about it. It is generally dated as compared with the concerns of contemporary schools (as witness research on handwriting, "study hall," instructional radio, progressivism, teaching machines, attendance, et al., which once seemed so timely and today seem as quaint as the Packard, Allen's Alley, or Bill Haley and the Comets). While the researcher is groping for understanding of the effects of televised instruction in large groups, the schools will long since have moved on to dual audio television or video-type cassettes embedded in individualized instruction.

The problems of obsolescence of educational research findings would be aggrevated if researchers followed some of the more cogent suggestions for building a science of teaching-learning. Jack Easley, a former colleague of mine at the University of Illinois, maintained that there was some hope for a modest science of education as long as the models or theory included learner, teacher, and subject matter as elements. He felt that attempts to theorize in general without regard for the structure of the subject matter to be taught would flounder when applied to particular instances of teaching. Thus we might successfully pursue the construction of a theory of teaching the concept of natural selection to post-adolescents, but anything as general as a theory of teaching science to human beings was certain to fail. I regard Easley's position as wise counsel. Its implications for the possibility of building a science of education are dire, however. For what is more fluid and changing than the concepts and subject matter that each new generation of educators feels must be taught in the classroom. Recently a biologist in charge of one of those massive undergraduate general biology courses told me that in reviewing a 1940s vintage college biology text he discovered virtually no content he would want to teach today.

It can be argued -- and not easily refuted -- that educational change is so chaotic because innovations are not based on scientific knowledge. This position implies that the pace of change would diminish if education rested on a foundation of reliable basic knowledge of teaching-learning. A little knowledge from basic elucidatory inquiry might stabilize the educational system and thus permit more extensive elucidatory inquiry. This position probably attributes too much power to scientific knowledge as a controlling force of a social institution.

My pessimism for elucidatory inquiry in education stems not so much from a lack of faith in our intelligence or ability to pursue scientific inquiry about anything we choose, as it does from an assessment of the resources one could reasonably assume that society could spare for the task of building a science of education. In his proposal for the National Institute of Education, Roger Levien reported on the manpower available fo rresearch, development and innovation in education. In fiscal year 1968, the total effort from all sources (public, private, governmental, etc.) for research on education was 1,930 person-years. The definition of research in that report included both basic and applied, and hence was construed more broadly than I have used the term "elucidatory inquiry" here. We can safely conclude, then, that as recently as three years ago the total effort directed toward the construction of a systematic body of knowledge about education amounted to substantially less than four thousand persons in the United States working half days. By contrast, in the same year, 1968, nearly 15,000 full-time researchers were grappling with the problems of agricultural research, some fraction of them no doubt building a science of agronomy. In the health sciences nearly 60,000 person-years were expended on research and development in fiscal year 1968. The poverty of the educational research effort is more than we might have expected. The construction of a science of education might drag on for many decades if it depended solely on the efforts of 1,930 full-time "educational scientists." In short, the resources for inquiry of any type, elucidatory or evaluative, in education are severely limited, will probably remain so for some time, and perhaps ought not be squandered on such a dubious endeavor as building a science of education. Scriven (1969, p. 19) remarked in the context of a discussion of pure and applied research in psychology that "it is much better to move into theory exactly where and only when obliged to by the combination of data and needs that define our tasks.Speculation in the absence of a clarification of these parameters is too often merely idle, the kind of irresponsible gambling with society's resources that is lauded in cheap histories of science and was once a rich amateur's prerogative."

We can afford not to seek a theory of education at this time simply because we have always lived without complete understanding. Indeed it is usually better and safer at the level of the whole society to know how well than to know why, if we must choose one or the other. People do many things better than they ought to, e.g., football, trumpet playing. We can do many things better than generalizable codified knowledge about those things would seem to permit. A great deal of our knowledge is inexpressible, yet it exists and is important nonetheless. Anthropologists have discovered primitive societies that are ignorant of the relationship between sexual intercourse and pregnancy, yet presumably the existence of these societies is no more precarious for that ignorance.

Persons with a taste for empirical, disciplined inquiry on science teaching have more serious business to undertake than elucidatory inquiry on education. Their attentions ought to be focused on educational development and evaluative inquiry. Such developments in science education and elsewhere might best be regarded as bearing a heuristic relationship to elucidatory inquiry in the social sciences, particularly the science of human learning. I have developed this notion of a heuristic relationship between basic and applied knowledge to some length elsewhere and space does not permit repeating it here (see Glass, 1971). Perhaps it is sufficient to say only that the word "heuristic" is used in the literal sense, namely suggesting or stimulating empirical research. Basic knowledge will never prescribe a particular practice, but it can stimulate creative minds who have some understanding of that basic knowledge to develop materials and practices based loosely on it. Basic knowledge out of psychology and other social and natural sciences ought to be mediated through the minds of the one in ten thousand masterful teachers (the Gattegnoes, Papiis, and Ashton-Warners) currently at large who would create curriculum materials under the inspiration of this knowledge. My model of educational development involves inspiring these creative geniuses with what reliable knowledge exists in the basic sciences that is conceivably relevant to education, allowing these teachers to create developments, and then subjecting their creations to the reality testing of evaluation. Unfortunately there is not space here to develop these ideas fully. Some of the flavor of my position can be sensed by comparing and contrasting it with positions that have been published. My assessment of the pay-off of elucidatory inquiry in education agrees totally with Atkin's (1967-68) assessment of "behavioral science" research on science teaching. I am more taken with the "engineering model" of development than he and I resonate to the tones of his eloquent description of the "naturalistic model" of research and development, though the resonance is dampened somewhat by the same intolerance of ambiguity that makes the "engineering model" attractive to me.

There is much work to be done in the development of evaluation methodology in education. An enormous amount of work remains to be done in the measurement of human behavior. I am encouraged by the amount of effort in that direction that researchers on science teaching have made. The results, as they appear in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching are increasingly impressive. For the next several decades then, I am placing my money on evaluative inquiry (with a heavy emphasis on measurement) which is integrated with the process of educational development in which master teachers play an important role. As for elucidatory inquiry about science teaching or education generally, I am far less optimistic.


Atkin, J. Myron. (1967-68). Research Styles in Science Education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 5, 338-345.

Braithwaite, Richard B. (1953) Scientific Explanation. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Cronbach, Lee J. and Suppes, Patrick. (1969). Research for Tomorrow's Schools: Disciplined Inquiry for Education. New York: MacMillan.

Dershimer, Richard A. (1970). The Educational Research Community: Its Communication and Social Structure. Bureau of Research, U.S. Office of Education, Project No. 8-0751.

Ebel, Robert L. (1967, October). Some Limitations of Basic Research in Education. Phi Delta KAPPAN, 81-84.

Glass, Gene V. (1971). Educational Knowledge Use. Educational Forum (in press).

Hawkins, David. (1966). Learning the Unteachable. In Shulman, L. and Keislar, E. (Eds.) Learning by Discovery: A Critical Appraisal. Chicago: Rand McNally.

Hemphill, John K. (1969). The Relationship between Research and Evaluation Studies. In Ralph W. Tyler (Ed.), Educational Evaluation: New Roles, New Means. The 68th Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II. Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education.

Kaplan, Abraham. (1964). The Conduct of Inquiry. San Francisco: Chandler.

Lippman, Walter. (1929). A Preface to Morals. New York: MacMillan.

Mazur, Allan. (1968). The Littlest Science. The American Sociologist, 3, 195-200.

Pella, M. O. (1966). A Structure for Science Education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 4, 250-252.

Suchman, Edward A. (1967). Evaluative Research. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Scriven, Michael. (1958). Definitions, Explanations, and Theories. In Herbert Feigel, Michael Scriven, and G. Maxwell (Eds.), Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol II. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.

Scriven, Michael. (1969). Psychology Without a Paradigm. In Louis Berger (Ed.), Clinical-cognitive Psychology; Models and Integrations. Prentice-Hall.

Scriven, Michael. (1967). The Methodology of Evaluation. In Robert E. Stake (Ed.), AERA Monograph Series on Curriculum Evaluation, No. 1. Chicago: Rand McNally.

Stake, Robert E. and Denny, Terry. (1969). Needed Concepts and Techniques for Utilizing More Fully the Potential of Evaluation. In Ralph W.Tyler (Ed.), Educational Evaluation: New Roles, New Means. The 68th Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II. Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education.

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Educational Evaluation and Research: Similarities and Differences

1970 Educational Evaluation and Research: Similarities and Differences Gene V. Glass and Blaine R. Worthen Laboratory of Educational...