Professional Résumé for
Gene V Glass
Some publications of Gene V Glass are available here.
Born: 19 June 1940, Lincoln, Nebraska
Family: Married to Sandra Rubin Glass, May 1993. Four children, nine grandchildren
- B.A. University of
Nebraska 1962: Cum laude in German & Mathematics
- M.S. University of
Wisconsin 1963: Educational Psychology
- Ph.D. University of Wisconsin
1965: Educational Psychology; Minor: Mathematical Statistics
Academic Appointments:
- 1964-65:
Visiting Lecturer, Univ of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
- 1965:
Visiting Lecturer, Univ of Wisconsin–Madison
- 1965-67:
Assistant Prof., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- 1967-70:
Associate Prof., University of Colorado, Boulder
- 1970-86:
Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder
- 1976: Besuchender Forscher, Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie,
- 1978: Scholar-in-Residence, Center
for the Study of Evaluation,
- 1981-84:
Clinical Research Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry,
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.
- 1984-85:
Research Associate, New School for Social Research,
New York, New York.
- 1986-2010: Professor, Division of Educational
Leadership & Policy Studies, College of Education
Arizona State University
- 1986-2010:Professor, Division of Psychology
in Education, College of Education
Arizona State University
1997-2001: Associate Dean for Research, College of Education, Arizona State University
2001-2003: Visiting Scholar, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
2005: Director of Research & Policy, Centre for the Advancement of Research &
Development in Educational Technology, Nicosia, Cyprus
- 2004 -2 010: Regents' Professor, ASU
- 2010 - present: Regents' Professor Emeritus, ASU
- 2010 - present: Senior Researcher, National Education Policy Center, School of Education,
University of Colorado at Boulder
- 2011 - 2023: Research Professor, School of Education,
University of Colorado Boulder
- 2014: Visiting Scholar, San José State University
- 2015 - 2018: Lecturer, San José State University
- 2023 - present: Research Professor Emeritus, School of Education,
University of Colorado Boulder
Awards and Honors:
- Member of Delta Phi Alpha, German Honorary Society, 1962
- Winner of Creative Talent Award of American Institutes for
Research for Best Dissertation in Psychometrics in 1964-65
- Winner of the Palmer O. Johnson Award (for best article
in yearly volume of the American Educational Research
Journal; award won in 1968 and in 1970)
- Elected a Fellow of Divisions 5 and 15 of
the American Psychological Association, 1975
- President, American Educational Research Association, 1975
- Award for Best Contracted Evaluation Study of Division H
of the Amer. Educ. Res. Assoc., 1977
- Cattell Award of Society of Multivariate Experimental
Psychology, 1980
- Lazarsfeld Award; Evaluation Research Society, 1984
- Fellow of the American Psychological Society, Elected 1990
- Alumni Achievement Award, School of Education,
University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1990
- Lifetime Achievement Award of the Arizona Educational Research
Organization, 1998
- Distinguished Alumni Award, Teachers College,
University of Nebraska, 1998
- Member, Phi Delta Kappa, Education Honorary Society, 1998
- Honorary Member of the Centre for Evidence-Based Mental Health,
Dept. of Psychiatry, Oxford University, England, 1999
- Fellow, Education Policy Project,
Center for Educational Research, Analysis & Innovation,
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1999-2001
- Member, National Academy of Education, 2000
Work on meta-analysis of psychotherapy outcomes (with M.L. Smith)
was named as one of the Forty Studies that Changed Psychology in
the book of the same name by Roger R. Hock (1999; 0-13-922725-3;
Prentice Hall Publishers)
- AERA Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award,
- Arizona Arts, Sciences and Technology Academy, Founding Fellow, 2005
- Outstanding Book Award (with Charalambos Vrasidas) of the
Division of Teacher Education of the
Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 2006
- Distinguished Alumnus, Lincoln (NE) Northeast High School, Awarded May 25, 2007
- Fellow, American Educational Research Association, Elected 2008
- Fellow, National Education Policy Center, School of Education,
University of Colorado at Boulder (2010-present)
- Senior Fellow, Learning Policy Institute (2015-present)
- "Outstanding Public Educator" for 2016, awarded by the Horace Mann
- 7th Most Noteworthy Alumnus of Nebraska Wesleyan University; Designated, February 29, 2024.
- Cobb, C.D. (2024). Standing on the Shoulders of a Giant: Gene Glass. In: Geier, B.A. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Educational Thinkers. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25134-4_145
Editorial Service:
Executive Editor:
Associate Editor:
- American Educational Research Journal – Social and
Institutional Analysis 2013
Editorial Board Member:
American Educational Research Journal 1965-68
Law and Human Behavior, 1980-84
Journal of Educational Measurement 1966-68
Evaluation in the Health Sciences 1980-
Educational & Psychological Measurement 1970-85
Review of Educational Research, 1970-73.
Journal of Nat. Assoc. for Bilingual Education 1975-78
Learning Disabilities Research, 1985-1988
Educational Administration Quarterly 1992-95
Educational Policy 1988-2008
- Education Policy Analysis Archives 2005-
Revista Electrónica de Investigación y
Evaluación Educativa 1997-
Practical Assessment,
Research and Evaluation
Journal of MultiDisciplinary
Books and Theses:
- Glass, G. V (1963). Chance Successes
and the Reliability of Tests. Madison, WI: Dept. of Educational
Psychology, University of Wisconsin. Master's thesis. 51 pp.
- Glass, G. V (1965). The resolution of complexes
of infallible variables into common factors
and principal components. Doctoral dissertation,
University of Wisconsin.
- Glass, G. V & Stanley, J.C. (1970).
Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
- Glass, G. V & Hopkins, K. D. (1970). Test Bank for Statistical
Methods in Education & Psychology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
- Glass, G. V (Ed.) Proceedings
of the 1970 Invitational Conference on Testing
Problems. Princeton, N.J.: Educational Testing
Service, 1971.
- Glass, G. V & Stanley, J.C. (1974).
Metodos Estadisticos Aplicados a las Ciencias
Sociales. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
- Glass, G. V; Willson, V.L. & Gottman, J.M. (1975).
Design and Analysis of Time-series Experiments. Boulder,
Colo.: Colorado Associated University Press.
- Glass, G. V (Ed.) (1976). Evaluation Studies Review Annual,
Vol. 1. Beverly Hills: SAGE Publications.
- Hopkins, K.D. & Glass, G. V (1978).
Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
- Hopkins, K.D.; Glass, G. V &
Hopkins, B.R. (1986). Basic Statistics for the
Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice-Hall.
- Smith, M.L.; Glass, G. V; & Miller, T. (1980).
The Benefits of Psychotherapy. Baltimore, MD: Johns
Hopkins Univ. Press.
- Glass, G. V; McGaw, B.; & Smith, M.L. (1981).
Meta-analysis in Social Research. Beverly Hills, CA:
- Glass, G. V; Cahen, L.S.; Smith, M.L.
& Filby, N.N. (1982). School Class Size: Research
and Policy. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE.
- Glass, G. V & Hopkins, K.D. (1984).
Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology, 2nd Edition.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
- Glass, G. V & Hopkins, K. D. (1984). Test Bank for Statistical
Methods in Education & Psychology, Second Edition. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
- Smith, M.L. & Glass, G. V (1987).
Research and Evaluation in Education and the Social
Sciences. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Hopkins, K.D.; Hopkins, B.R. & Glass, G. V (1996). Basic Statistics for
the Behavioral Sciences, 3rd Edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
- Glass, G. V & Hopkins, K. D. (1996). Statistical
Methods in Education & Psychology, Third Edition. Boston:
Allyn & Bacon.
- Glass, G. V & Hopkins, K. D. (1996). Test Bank for Statistical
Methods in Education & Psychology, Third Edition. Boston:
Allyn & Bacon.
- Vrasidas, C. and Glass, G. V (Eds.) (2002).
Distance Education and Distributed Learning.
Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
- Vrasidas, C. and Glass, G. V (Eds.) (2004).
Online Professional Development for Teachers.
Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
- Vrasidas, C. and Glass, G. V (Eds.) (2005).
Preparing Teachers to Teach with Technology.
Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Glass, G. V (2008). Fertilizers, Pills & Magnetic Strips: The Fate of
Public Education in America. Charlotte, NC:
Information Age Publishing.
- Vrasidas, C., Zembylas, M. & Glass, G. V (Eds.)
(2009). ICT for Education, Development, and Social Justice.
Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
- Glass, G. V; Willson, V.L. & Gottman, J.M. (2008).
Design and Analysis of Time-series Experiments.
Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Berliner, D. C.; Glass, G. V & Associates. (2014) 50 Myths & Lies that Threaten America's Public Schools: The Real
Crisis in Education. NY: Columbia University, Teachers College Press.
Honorable Mention, 2015 Prose Award in Education Practice
2014 Foreword Reviews INDIEFAB Book of the Year Bronze Award in Education
- Glass, G. V (2015) History of a Glass Family in America: An Account of the Descendants of John Glasse of Somerset, England. Charlotte,
NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Cobb, C. D. and Glass, G. V (2021) Public and Private Education in America: Examining the Facts (Contemporary Debates) . ABC-CLIO.
Computer Software and Manuals:
- Hicken, S. & Glass, G.V (1990) EZQuant. Durham, N.C.: Duke
University Press.
Hicken, S. & Glass, G.V (1994). INTROSTAT. A computer program for statistical
analysis. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
- Bower, C.P.; Padia, W.L. & Glass, G.V. (1974).
TMS: Two Fortran IV programs for the
analysis of time-series experiments. Boulder, Colo.:
Laboratory of Educational Research, Univ of Colo.
- Rudner, Lawrence, Gene V Glass, David L. Evartt, and Patrick J. Emery (2002).
A user's guide to the
meta-analysis of
research studies. ERIC Clearinghouse
on Assessment and Evaluation, University of Maryland, College Park.
Articles in Refereed Journals:
Glass, G.V. & Wiley, D.E. (1964).
Formula scoring and test reliability. Journal of Educational
1, 43-49.
- Glass, G.V. (1964). How may salience of
a membership group be aroused? Journal of Educational Measurement,
1, 125-129.
- Glass, G.V. & McLean, L.D. (1964). A posteriori
correction for guessing on recognitive tasks. American Journal
of Psychology, 77, 664-667.
- Glass, G.V. (1965). Evaluating testing,
maturation, and gain effects in a pretest-posttest
quasi-experimental design. American Educational Research
Journal, 2, 83-87.
- Morgan, J.R., Glass, G.V., Stevens,
H.A., & Sindberg, R.M. (1965). A study
of an extender role for nursing service
personnel. Nursing Research, 14, 330 334.
- Glass, G.V. (1965). A ranking variable analogue of
biserial correlation: Implications for short-cut analysis.
Journal of Educational Measurement, 2, 91-96.
- Glass, G.V. (1966). Testing homogeneity of variances.
American Educational Research Journal, 3, 187-190.
- Glass, G.V. (1966). Note concerning rank biserial
correlation. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 26,
- Glass, G.V. & Taylor, P.A. 1966). Factor
analytic methodology. Review of Educational Research, 36,
- Glass, G.V. (1966). Alpha factor
analysis of infallible variables. Psychometrika,
31, 545-561.
- Glass, G.V. & Maguire, T.O. (1966).
Abuses of factor scores. American Educational Research Journal,
3, 297-304.
- Millman, J. & Glass, G.V. (1967).
Rules of thumb for writing the ANOVA table. Journal of Educational
Measurement, 4, 41-51.
- Glass, G.V. 1967). Factors in teachers' perceptions of students.
Journal of Educational Measurement, 4, 87-93.
- Glass, G.V. & Robbins, M.P. (1967). A critique of experiments
on the role of neurological organization in reading
performance. Reading Research Quarterly, 3, 5-51.
- Maguire, T.O. & Glass, G.V. (1967). A program
for the analysis of certain time-series quasi-experiments.
Educational and Psychological Measurement,
27, 743-750.
- Maguire, T.O. & Glass, G.V. 1968). Component
profile analysis: an alternative to PROF. Educational and Psychological
Measurement, 28, 1021-1033.
- Glass, G.V. (1968). Correlations with
products of variables: derivations and implications for
methodology. American Educational Research Journal, 5.
- Glass, G.V. (1968). Educational Piltdown men. Kappan,
50, 148-151.
- Bracht, G.H. & Glass, G.V. (1968).
The external validity of experiments. American Educational Research
Journal, 5, 437-474.
- Glass, G.V. (1968). Analysis of data on the Connecticut
speeding crackdown as a time-series quasi-experiment.
Law and Society Review, 2, 55-76.
- Glass, G.V. (1968). Response to Traub's "Note on the reliability
of residual change scores." Journal of Educational
Measurement, 5, 265-267.
- Stanley, J.C. & Glass, G.V. (1968). An algebraic
proof that the sum of squared errors in estimating Y
from X via b1 and b0 is minimal. The American Statistician,
23, 25. (Reprinted as "Una demonstracian algebraica de que
las suma de los cuadrados de los errores es minima cuando se estima Y a
partir de X via b1 y b0." Estadistica, 26, 775-777.)
- Robbins, M.P. & Glass,
G.V. (1969). The Doman-Delacato rationale: A critical
analysis. Educational Therapy, 2, 321- 377.
- Peckham, P.D., Glass, G.V.
& Hopkins, K.D. (1969). The experimental
unit in statistical analysis. Journal of Special
Education, 6, 265-288.
- Glass, G.V., Robbins, M.P. & Tuinman,
J. (1969). Delacato- neurologische organisatie en leesonderwijs.
Pedagogisch Forum, 6, 265-288.
- Glass, G.V. (1969).
Note on Jensen & Rohwer's "Mental retardation,
mental age, and learning rate." Journal
of Educational Psychology, 60, 415-416.
- Glass, G.V. & Hakstian, A.R. (1969). Measures
of association in comparative experiments. American Educational
Research Journal, 6, 403-414.
- Glass, G.V. (1969). Research notes. Kappan, 51, 48.
- Ross, H.L.; Campbell, D.T.; & Glass, G.V.
(1970). Determining the social effects of a legal reform: the
British "Breathalyser" crackdown of 1967. American Behavioral
Scientist, March, 493- 509.
- Glass, G.V. & Collins, J.R. (1970).
Geometric proof of the restriction on the possible values of
r(xy) when r(xz) and r(yz) are fixed. Educational and
Psychological Measurement, 30, 37- 40.
- Glass, G.V. (1970). Educational measurement:
new methods for new roles. Education Colorado, 5.
- Jurs, S.G. & Glass, G.V.
(1971). Experimental mortality. Journal of Experimental
Education, 40, 62-66.
- Glass, G.V. (1971). Educational knowledge
use. Educational Forum, PS36, PS 21-29.
Glass, G. V. & Worthen, B. R. (1971). Educational evaluation and
research: Similarities
and differences. Curriculum Theory Network, 3, 149-165.
- Glass, G.V.; Tiao, G.C.; & Maguire, T.O. (1971) Analysis
of data on the revision of German divorce laws as a time-series
quasi- experiment. Law and Society Review, 4, 539-62.
- Glass, G.V.; Peckham, P.D.; & Sanders, J.R. (1972).
Consequences of failure to meet assumptions
underlying the analyses of variance and covariance.
Review of Educational Research, 42, 237-288.
- Glass, G.V. Educational product
evaluation. Educational Researcher, 1972, 1.
(Reprinted in House, E.R. The Logic of Evaluative Argument,
Los Angeles: Center for the Study of
Evaluation, UCLA, 1977.)
- Glass, G.V. (1972). The wisdom
of scientific inquiry on education. Journal
of Research on Science Teaching, 9, 3-18.
- Clark, A.K.; Maguire, T.O.; & Glass, G.V.
(1972). Constancy of teachers' perceptions of students--a
multi-dimensional scaling study. Perceptual and Motor
Skills, 35, 515-518.
- Stephens, W.B. & Glass, G.V. (1972).
Factorial structure of selected psycho educational measures
and Piagetian reasoning assessments. Developmental
Psychology, 6, 343-348.
- Hopkins, K.D. & Glass, G.V. (1972).
The analysis of repeated measures and other mixed-model
ANOVA designs. Journal of Special Education,
6, 185-188.
- Glass, G.V. (1972).
The many faces of educational accountability. Kappan,
53, 636-639.
- Glass, G.V. (1975). A paradox about the
excellence of schools and the people in them. Educational
Researcher, 4, 9-13.
- Glass, G.V. (1976). Primary, secondary
and meta-analysis of research. Educational Researcher,
5, 3-8.
- Glass, G. V & Stephens, W.B. (1976).
Response to Weiz's and Kappauf's "Critiques of
Temple Longitudinal-Study. American Journal of Mental Deficiency,
3, 248-250.
- Smith, M.L. & Glass, G. V (1977). Meta-analysis of psychotherapy
outcome studies. American Psychologist, 32, 752-60.
Reprinted in Kiesler, C. & Cummings, N., Psychology
and National Health Insurance. Washington D.C.: American Psychological
Association, 1978.) . Reprinted in I. Lehmann & W. Mehrens (Eds.).
(1979). Educational Research in
Focus. New York: Holt
- Glass, G. V (1977). Matthew Arnold
and minimal competence. Educational Forum, 139-144.
- Glass, G. V (1978). Minimal
competence and incompetence. Kappan, 59, 602-605.
- Glass, G. V (1978). Standards
and criteria. Journal of Educational Measurement,
15, 237-261.
- Smith, M. L. & Glass, G. V (1978).
Factors influencing the evaluation of educational
programs. Studies in Educational Evaluation,
4, 9-18.
- Glass, G. V, & Smith, M. L. (1978). Reply to Eysenck. American
Psychologist, 33,
517- 519. Reprinted in
T. Cook (Ed.). (1978). Evaluation Studies Review Annual (Vol. 3).
Beverly Hills: SAGE.
- Glass, G. V & Smith, M. L. 1978). The technology
and politics of standards. Educational Technology, 18, 12-18.
- Glass, G.V. (1978). When educators set
standards. Evaluation Comment, 5, No. 4,3.
- House, E.R.; Glass, G.V.; McLean, L.D.; & Walker, D.C.
No simple answer: A critique of the Follow-Through evaluation.
Harvard Educational Review, 1978, 48,
128-160. (Shortened version appears in Educational
Leadership, 1978, 35, 462-66.
- Glass, G.V. (1978). Integrating findings: The
meta-analysis of research. Review of Research in Education,
5, 351-79.
- House, E. R., Glass, G. V, McLean, L.D., and Walker, D.
(1978). Critiquing a Follow Through evaluation. Phi Delta
Kappan, 59(7), 473-474.
- Glass, G.V and Smith, M.L. (1979). Meta-analysis of research on
the relationship of class-size and achievement. Educational
Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 1, 2-16.
- Glass, G.V & Down, A.G. (1979).
Does Class Size Make a Difference?
Instructor, 89(4), 22.
- Glass, G.V. (1979).
In defense of generalization. The Behavioral
and Brain Sciences.
- Glass, G.V (1979). Policy for the unpredictable (uncertainty research
Educational Researcher, 8(9), 12-14.
- Getz, J. & Glass, G.V. (1979). Lawyers and courts
as architects of educational policy. High School Journal,
62, 181-186.
- Glass, G.V. (1979) Does Class Size Make a Difference?
v89 n4 p22.
- Glass, G.V.; Cahen, L.S.; Smith,
M.L. & Filby, N.N. (1979). Class-size and learning:
new interpretations of the research literature. Today's
Education, 68, 42-44.
- Glass, G.V. (1979).
Looking at Minimal Competency Testing: Educator versus Senator.
Education and Urban Society, 12, 47-55.
- Glass, G.V. & Ellett, F.S. (1980). Evaluation
research. Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 31, 211-228.
- Glass, G.V. (1980). Summarizing effect
sizes. New Directions for Methodology of Social
and Behavioral Science, edited by Fiske, D. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, Vol. 5, 13-31.
- Glass, G.V. (1980). On criticism
of our class-size/student achievement research: no points conceded.
Kappan, 62, 242-4.
- Glass, G.V. & Stephens, W.B. (1980).
Reply to Humphrey's and Parsons's "Piagetian tasks measure intelligence
and intelligence tests assess cognitive development." Intelligence,
4, 171-4.
- Glass, G. V, & Smith, M. L. (1980). Ask not for whom the bell tolls.
American Psychologist, 35, 223.
- McGaw, B. & Glass, G.V. (1980). Choice of metric for
effect size in meta analysis. American Educational
Research Journal, 17, 325-37.
- Smith, M.L. & Glass, G.V. (1980). Meta-analysis
of research on class-size and its relationship to attitudes
and instruction. American Educational Research Journal,
17, 419-34.
- Smith, M.L. & Glass, G.V. (1980).
The effect of class-size on what happens in classrooms. Education
Digest, 45, 16-8.
- Kavale, K.A. & Glass, G.V. (1981).
Meta-analysis and the integration of research
in special education. Journal of Learning
Disabilities, 14, 531 8.
- Bassoff, E.S. & Glass, G.V. (1982). The relationship
between sex roles and mental health: a meta-analysis of twenty-six
studies. The Counseling Psychologist, 10, 105-12.
- Glass, G.V. 1982). Meta-analysis: an approach
to the synthesis of research results. Journal
of Research in Science Teaching, 19, 93-112.
- Mumford, E.; Schlesinger, H.J. & Glass, G.V. 1982).
The effects of psychological intervention on recovery from surgery
and heart attacks: an analysis of the literature.
American Journal of Public Health.
- Kavale, K. & Glass,
G.V. (1982). The efficacy
of psycholinguistic training: a rejoinder to Larsen,
Parker and Hammill. Exceptional Children.
- Glass, G.V. (1982). Effectiveness of special education.
Policy Studies Review, 2, 65-78.
- Schlesinger, H.J.; Mumford, E.; Glass,
G.V.; Patrick, C.; and Sharfstein, S. (1983). Mental health
treatment and medical care utilization in a free-for-service
system. American Journal of Public Health, 73,
- Tran, Z.V.; Weltman, A.; Glass, G.V. & Mood, D.P. (1983). The
effects of exercise on blood lipids and lipoproteins: a
meta-analysis of studies. Medicine and Science in Sports
and Exercise,15, 393-402.
Anderson, R. D., Kahl, S. R., Glass, G. V, Smith, M. L., Fleming, M. L,
& Malone, M. R. (1982). Science
meta-analysis project. (Final report of NSF-SED 80-12310).
Boulder: Laboratory for Research in Science and
Mathematics Education (offset).
- Kavale, K. A. and Glass, G. V (1982). The efficacy of
special education interventions and practices: A compendium
of meta-analysis findings. Focus on Exceptional Children,
15(4), 1-14.
- Anderson, R.D.; Kahl, S.R.; Glass, G.V.
& Smith, M.L. (1983). Science education: a meta-analysis
of major questions. Journal of Research in Science Teaching,
20, 379-385.
- Glass, G.V.; Smith, M.L. & Miller, T.I. (1983).
Placebo effects in psychotherapy outcome research.
The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6, 292-293.
- Glass, G.V. & Kliegl, R.M. (1983).
An apology for research integration in the study of
psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 51, 28-41.
- Glass, G.V. (1983). The synthesis
of research findings and society's uses of knowledge. Journal
of Special Education.
- Smith, M.L. & Glass, G.V. (1983).
Citation classic. Current Contents, Vol. 15, No. 13,
p. 20.
- Mumford, E.; Schlesinger, H.J.; Glass,
G.V.; Patrick, C.; & Cuerdon, T. (1984). A new look at
evidence about reduced cost of medical utilization following
mental health treatment. The American Journal
of Psychiatry, 141, 11451158.
- Getsie, R.; Langer, P.; & Glass, G.V. (1985).
Meta-analysis of the effects of type and combination of feedback
on children's discrimination learning. Review of Educational
Research, 55, 9- 22.
- Levin, H.M.; Glass, G.V. & Meister, G.R. (1985).
Efficiencia de costes de cuatro intervenciones
educativas. Revista de Educacion,
No. 276, 61-102.
- Levin, H.M., Glass, G.V. & Meister, G.M. (1986).
The political arithmetic of cost-effectiveness analysis. Kappan,
68, No. 1, 69-72.
- Glass, G.V. & Ellwein, M. C.
(1986). Reform by raising test standards. Evaluation Comment,
10, 1-6.
- Glass, G.V. (1987). Reactions to
the stress coping meta- analysis. Counseling
Psychologist, 14, 550-553.
- Rosenthal, J.A. &w Glass, G.V. (1987). Impacts of alternatives
to out-of-home placement: a quasi-experimental study. Children
and Youth Services Review, 8, 305-321.
- Rosenthal, J.A. & Glass, G.V. (1988).
Comparative impacts of alternatives to adolescent placement. Journal
of Social Service Research.
- Levin, H.M. & Glass, G.V. (1987). Cost-effectiveness
of Computer Assisted Instruction. Evaluation Review,
11, 50-72.
- Glass, G.V. (1987). What
Works: Politics and Research. Educational
Researcher, 16, 5-10.
- Levin, H.M.; Glass, G.V.; & Meister,
G.R. (1987). Different approaches to improving performance
at school. Zeitschrift fur Internationale Erziehungs
und Sozial Wissenschaftliche Forschung, 3, 156-176.
- Ellwein, M.C., Glass, G.V & Smith, M.L. (1988). Standards
of competence: Propositions on the nature of testing reforms.
Researcher. Vol. 16, No. 8, 4-9.
- Lynch, W.; Glass, G.V.; & Tran,
Z.V. (1988). Diet, tobacco, alcohol and stress
as causes of coronary heart disease: A longitudinal
causal analysis. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine.
Vol. 61, 413-426.
- Glass, G. V & Schon, I. (1988) Effects of an English-only
law on public library acquisition policies, practices, and librarians'
attitudes toward books in Spanish for children
and young adults. Library and Information
Science Research: An International Journal.
Vol. 10, No. 4, 411-424.
- Ellwein, M.C., Glass, G.V & Smith, M.L. (1988). Predilections,
Opinions and Prejudices. Educational Researcher, Vol.17, No. 9,
- Rosenthal, J. A. and Glass, G. V (1990). Comparative impacts
of alternatives to adolescent placement. Journal of Social Service
Vol. 13, No.3, 19-37.
- Ellwein, M.C. and Glass, G. V (1991). Testing for competence:
Translating reform policy into practice. Educational Policy, 5(1),
- Pierce, J. W. , Glass, G. V. & Byers, J. L. (1991). Computer networking for
educational researchers on BITNET. Educational Researcher, 20, 21-
- Guzzetti, B. J., Snyder, T. E., Glass, G. V (1992).
Promoting conceptual change in science: Can texts be used
effectively? Journal of Reading, 35(8), 642-649.
- Guzzetti, B. J., Snyder, T. E., Glass, G. V, Gamas, W. S.
(1993). Promoting conceptual change in science: A
comparative meta-analysis of instructional interventions
from reading education and science education, Reading
Research Quarterly, 28(2), 117-155.
- Pierce, J., Glass, G.V, Young, M. & Soucy, D. (1993). The Educational Research
List (ERL-L) on BITNET/Internet. Educational Researcher.
- Glass, G.V (Ed.) (1994). School choice: A discussion with Herbert
Education Policy Analysis
2(6), Entire Issue. Spanish translation published in
Narodowski, Mariano; Andrada, Myrian y Nores Milagros (Eds.)(2001).
Nuevas tendencias en polmticas
educativas, Temas. Buenos Aires: Fundacisn Gobierno & Sociedad.
- Glass, G.V (1998). The future of scholarly communications.
Researcher, Vol. 27.
Cobb, C.D. and Glass, G.V (1999). Ethnic segregation in Arizona
charter schools. Education Policy Analysis Archives, Vol.
7, No. 1. [Entire Issue] (Online at http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v7n1/).
Glass, G.V. (1999). A New Day in How Scholars Communicate.
Currents Issues in Education,
2, No. 2 [Entire Issue].
(Online at http://cie.ed.asu.edu/volume2/number2/)
- Glass, G.V (Ed.) (2001). School choice: A discussion with Herbert
Education Policy Analysis
2(6), Entire Issue. Spanish translation published in
Narodowski, Mariano; Andrada, Myrian y Nores Milagros (Eds.)(2001).
Nuevas tendencias en polmticas
educativas, Temas. Buenos Aires: Fundacisn Gobierno & Sociedad.
- Cobb, C. D. and Glass, G. V (2001). U.S. charter schools
and ethnic segregation." International Journal of Educational Reform, 10(4),
- MacSwan, J., Rolstad, K. & Glass, G.V (2002).
Do some school-age children know no language?
Some problems of construct validity in the Pre-LAS Espanol.
Bilingual Research Journal, 26(2), 395-420.
- Webb, L.D., Glass, G.V, Metha, A. and Cobb, C. (2002). Economic
Correlates of Suicide in the United
States (1929-1992): A Time Series Analysis.
Archives of Suicide Research, 6(2), 93-101.
- Glass, G. V (2004 April). An Interview with Gene V. Glass
conducted by Daniel H. Robinson. Educational Researcher, 33,
3, 26-30. Retrieved June 19, 2005 from
Rolstad, K.; Mahoney, K. S.; & Glass, G. V. (2005).
Weighing the evidence: A meta-analysis of
bilingual education in Arizona.
Bilingual Research Journal, 29(1), 43-67.
Retrieved August 17, 2005 from
- Rolstad, K., Mahoney, K. & Glass, G. V. (2005).
The Big Picture: A Meta-Analysis of Program Effectiveness Research on English
Language Learners. Educational Policy, 19(4), 1-23.
Nichols, S. L., Glass, G. V, & Berliner, D. C. (2006).
High-stakes testing and student achievement:
Does accountability pressure increase student learning?
Education Policy Analysis Archives, 14(1).
Retrieved [date] from http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v14n1/
- Rolstad, Kellie; Mahoney, Kate; & Glass, G. V (2007).
The Big Picture in Bilingual Education:
A Meta-analysis Corrected for Gersten's Coding Error.
(Manuscript submitted to Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies).
- Cobb, Casey D. & Glass, G. V (2009).
School Choice in a Post-Desegregation World,
Peabody Journal of Education, 84(2), 262-278.
- Glass, G. V (2009). Class size. Entry in Shweder, Richard A., Thomas R. Bidell, Anne C. Dailey,
Suzanne D. Dixon, Peggy J. Miller, and John Modell, (Eds). The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Glass, G. V (2011). Standards and criteria.
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 7, 227-257.
- Glass, Gene V. (2012) A Talk with Gene V Glass: The Status of U.S.
Public Education. Occasional Paper. Ohio University:
Institute for Democracy in Education. Retrieved on March 10, 2012 from
- Nichols, Sharon L., Glass, Gene V & Berliner, David C. (2012)
High-stakes testing and
student achievement: Updated analyses with NAEP data. Education
Policy Analysis Archives, 20(20) Retrieved July 20, 2012, from
- Glass, G. V (2014) A response to Gorard. The Psychology of Education Review, 38(1), 12-13.
- Berliner, D., & Glass, G. V. (2014). Chipping away reforms that don’t make a difference.
Educational Leadership, 71(9), 28-33.
- McCarty, Teresa L.; Faircloth, Susan C.; Glass, Gene V; Ladwig, James; Lee, Stacey J.; McNaughton, Stuart; Parker, Laurence; &
Villenas, Sofia A. (2014) As We Embark on a New Editorship: A Statement From the AERJ-SIA Editors. American Educational Research Journal,
51(1), 4-6.
- Powers, Jeanne M. & Glass, Gene V. (2014).
When Statistical Significance Hides More Than it Reveals.
Teachers College Record, Date Published: July 02, 2014 http://www.tcrecord.org ID Number: 17591
Glass G. V. (2015) Meta-analysis at middle age: A personal history, Research Synthesis Methods, Vol. 6. doi:
- Berliner, David C. & Glass, Gene V. (2015). Trust but verify. Educational Leadership, 72, 5, 11 - 14.
- Glass, Gene V. & Shaughnessy, Michael F. (2015).
An interview with Dr. Gene V Glass about myths and hoaxes in educational psychology, North American Journal of Psychology, 17(2), 311-316.
- Glass, Gene V (2016). One hundred years of research: Prudent aspirations. Educational Researcher, 45(2), 69 - 72.
- Glass, G V (2018, Spring) Deciding for One or Deciding for Many, New Directions for
Evaluation, pp. 21-24.
- Glass, G. V (2022). The origins of Education Policy Analysis Archives in an era of early open access publishing. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30(143). https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.30.7755
- Glass, G. V (2024). Even So, Too Soon: Michael John Scriven (28 March 1928 – 28 August 2023). Journal
of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 20(47), 43–44. https://doi.org/10.56645/jmde.v20i47.985
Chapters in Books:
- Glass, G.V. (1970). Comments on Professor
Bloom's paper. Pp. 56-61 in Wittrock, M.C. & Wiley,
D.E. (Eds.) The Evaluation of Instruction. N.Y.:
Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
- Glass, G.V. (1972). Die Entwicklung
einer Methodologie der Evaluation. In Wulf,
C. (Ed.) Evaluation: Beschreibung und Bewertung
von Unterricht, Curricula und Schulversuchen. Munchen:
Piper & Co. Verlag.
- Glass, G.V. (1972). Two generations of
evaluation. In Taylor, P.A. & Cowley,
D. (Eds.) Readings in Curriculum Evaluation. Dubuque,
Iowa: William C. Brown.
- Glass, G.V Statistical and measurement problems in
implementing the Stull Act. Pp. 53-98 in Gage, N.L. (Ed.), Mandated
Evaluation of Educators. Washington, D.C.:
Capital Publications, 1973. (Reprinted under the title
"Teacher Effectiveness," Chp. 2 in Walberg,
H.J. (Ed.), Evaluation Educational
Performance. Berkeley: McCutchan, 1974).
- Glass, G.V. (1973). Design of evaluation studies.
Pp. 225-232 in Worthen, B.R. & Sanders, J.R. (Eds.) Educational
Evaluation: Theory and Practice, Worthington, Ohio: Charles A.
- Glass, G.V. (1977). Downtime. Outlook,
No. 25, 3-6. (Appears under the title "Values as Illusions,"
pp. 66-69 in Otte, M. (Ed.) Relating Theory to Practice
in Educational Research. Bielefeld, West Germany:
Institut fur Didaktik der Mathematik, Universitat
Bielefeld, 1977.)
- Glass, G.V., Peckham, P.D. & Sanders, J.R. (1977).
Consequences of failure to meet assumptions
underlying the analyses of variance and covariance.
Collier, R.O. & Hummel, T.J. (Eds.), Experimental
Design and Interpretation. Berkeley: McCutchan,
- Glass, G.V. (1978). Schools and
mental health. Chp 8 in Flannagan,
J.C. (Ed.) Perspectives on Improving
American Education. New York, Praeger Press.
- Gottman, J.M & Glass, G.V. (1978). Analysis
of the interrupted time-series experiment. In Kratochwill,
T.R. (Ed.), Strategies to Evaluate Change in
Single-Subject Research. New York: Academic
- Glass, G.V. (1980). When educators set standards.
Chapter 13 in Baker, E.L. & Quellmalz, E.S.
(Eds.) Educational Testing and Evaluation, Beverly Hills,
- Rosenthal, R. & Glass, G.V. (1980). Sources.
In Fiske D. (Ed.) New Directions for Methodology of Social and
Behavioral Science. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
- Schlesinger, H.J.; Mumford, E.; &
Glass, G.V. (1980). The effects of
psychologically-informed intervention on recovery from medical
crisis. In Guerra, F. & Aldrets,
J.A. (Eds.) Emotional and Psychological Responses to
Anathesia and Surgery. NY: Grune & Stratton.
- Schlesinger, H.J.; Mumford, E.; &
Glass, G.V. (1980). Mental health services and medical utilization.
In Vandenbos, G. (Ed.) Psychotherapy: From Practice
to Research to Policy. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE.
- Mumford, E.; Schlesinger, H.J.; & Glass, G.V.
(1981). Reducing medical costs through mental health
treatment. Chapter 14 in Broskowski, A. (Ed.)
Linking Health and Mental Health. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE.
- Glass, G.V. (1982). Experimental validity. In Mitzel,
H. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Research (5th edition).
N.Y.: Free Press.
- Miller, T.I. & Glass, G.V. (1983).
Quantitative indicators of community change. Chapters
6 in Seidman, E. (Ed.), Handbook of Social Intervention.
Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE.
- Glass, G.V. (1983). Synthesizing
empirical research: meta-analysis. Pp. 397-422
in Ward, S.A. & Reed, L.J. (Eds.),
Knowledge Structure and Use. Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press.
- Kavale, K.A. & Glass, G.V. (1983).
The efficacy of special education: a compendium of meta-analysis
findings. In Vergason, G. (Ed.), Focus on Special Education.
Denver: Love Publishing.
- Kavale, K.A. & Glass, G.V. (1983). Social change and
evaluation: FollowThrough revisited. In Keogh,
B. (Ed.), Advances in Special Education, Vol.
4, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
- Glass, G.V. (1985). Class size. International
Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 728-734.
- Glass, G.V. (1988). Quasi-Experiments:
The Case of Interrrupted Time-series. Pp. 445-461 in Jaeger, R.M.,
Methods for Research in Education. Washington, D.C.: American
Educational Research Association.
- Glass, G.V. (1986) Testing old, testing new: reflections
on schoolboy psychology and the allocation of intellectual resources.
In Plake, B. & Witt, J.C. (Eds.). Future Directions for
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Glass, G.V. (1986). Class
size. In Dunkin, M.J. (Ed.). International
Encyclopedia of Teaching and Teacher Education. Oxford:
Pergamon Press.
- Glass, G.V (1989). Using student test scores to evaluate teachers.
In Millman, J. & Darling-Hammond, L. (Eds.) New Handbook of Teacher
Evaluation. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE.
- Ellwein, M.C. & Glass, G.V (1989). Ending social promotion
in Waterford: Appearances and Reality. Chapter 8, pp. 151-173 in Shepard,
L.A. & Smith, M.L., Flunking Grades: Research and Policies on
London: The Falmer Press.
- Glass, G.V (1997). Interrupted Time-series Quasi-experiments.
Pp. 589- 609 in Jaeger, Richard M. (Ed.) Complementary Methods for
in Education. 2nd Edition. Washington, D.C.: American Educational
- Glass, G.V (1998). Ghosts and Reminisences: My last day on earth as a
"quantoid." Pp. 277-89 in Davis, R. (Ed.). Proceedings of the Stake Symposium on Educational
Evaluation. Urbana, IL: Center for Instructional Research and
Evaluation, Univ. of Illinois. (ERIC Identifier ED432593). Retrieved June 19, 2005 from
- Glass, G.V (2001). School choice: A discussion with Herbert
Translated and published in
Narodowski, Mariano; Andrada, Myrian y Nores Milagros (Eds.)
Nuevas tendencias en polmticas
educativas, Temas. Buenos Aires: Fundacisn Gobierno & Sociedad.
Glass, Gene V. (2002). Time for school: Its
duration and allocation.
Chapter 4 (Pp. 79-93) in Molnar, A. (Ed.)
School Reform Proposals: The Research Evidence.
Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Glass, Gene V. (2002). Grouping students for instruction.
Chapter 5 (Pp. 95-112) in Molnar, A. (Ed.)
School Reform Proposals: The Research Evidence.
Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Glass, Gene V. (2002). Teacher characteristics.
Chapter 8 (Pp. 155-174) in Molnar, A. (Ed.)
School Reform Proposals: The Research Evidence.
Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
- Vrasidas, C. & Glass, G. V. (2002). A conceptual
framework for studying distance education. Chapter
2 (Pp. 31-56) in Vrasidas, C. & Glass, G. V. Distance
Education and Distributed Learning. Greenwich, CT:
Information Age Publishing.
- Glass, G. V (2003). Cut-Scores: Where Do They Come From?
Chapter 5, pp. 145-162 in Boston, C.; Rudner, L. M.;
Walker, L. J.; & Crouch, L. (Eds). What Reporters Need To Know
About Test Scores. Washington, D. C.: Education Writers Association.
- Vrasidas, C. & Glass, G. V. (2004). Teacher professional development: Issues
and Trends. Chp. 1 in Vrasidas, C. & Glass, G. V. (2004). Online
Professional Development of Teachers. Greenwich, CT: Information Age
- Glass, G. V (2006). Meta-analysis: The Quantitative Synthesis of
Research Findings. In Green, J. L., Camilli, G. & Elmore, P. B.
(Eds.) Pp. 427-438 in Handbook of Complementary Methods in
Education Research. Washington, DC: AERA and Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
- Vrasidas, C. & Glass, G. V (2005).
Achieving Technology Integration in Classroom Teaching.
In Vrasidas, C. & Glass, G. V
Current Perspectives on Applied Information Technologies.
Volume III:
Preparing Teachers to Teach with Technology. Greenwich, CT:
Information Age Publishing, Inc.
- Vrasidas, C. & Glass, G. V. (In press). Teacher professional development and ICT:
Strategies and models. 107th Yearbook of the National Society for the
Study of Education. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Glass, G. V (2009). Understanding meta-analyses.
In Lapan. S. D., & Quartaroli, M. T. (Eds.).
Research essentials: An introduction to designs and practices.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Vrasidas, Charalambos; Zembylas, Michalinos & Glass, Gene V. (2009) ICT for Development:
Challenges and Possibilities. In
Vrasidas, C., Zembylas, M. & Glass, G. V, (Eds.) (2009).
ICT for Education, Development, and Social Justice.
Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
- Glass, Gene V (2010) Report Card on American Education. Pp. 249-259 in
Welner, Kevin et al. Think Tank Research Quality: Lessons for Policy Makers, the Media, and
the Public. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Glass, Gene V; Barnett, Steven & Welner, Kevin G. (2010) Pp. 63-76 in Mathis, William J.
& Welner, Kevin G. The Obama Education Blueprint: Researchers Examine the Evidence.
Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.
Glass, G. V & Rud, A. G. (2012). The Struggle Between Individualism and
Communitarianism: The Pressure of Population, Prejudice, and the Purse.
Chapter 10 in Review of Research in Education, Vol. 36.
- Glass, G. V (2019) Moral Drift, Truth and Tug of War. Chapter in Danzig, A. B. & Black, W. R. (Eds.)
Who Controls the Preparation of Education Administrators?. Charlotte, NC:
Information Age Publishing.
Book Reviews:
- Glass, G.V. & Stanley, J.C.
(1963). Review of Van Dalen and Meyer's Understanding
Educational Research. Educational and Psychological
Measurement, 23, 217-219.
- Glass, G.V. & Stanley, J.C. (1963). Review of Ray's
Introduction to Experimental Design. Educational
and Psychological Measurement, 23, 207208.
- Stanley, J.C. & Glass, G.V.
(1963). Review of Hammond and Householder's
Introduction to the Statistical
Method. Contemporary Psychology, 8, 374375.
- Glass, G.V. (1963).
Review of Weinberg and Schumaker's Statistics:
An Intuitive Approach. Educational
and Psychological Measurement, 23, 849851.
- Glass, G.V. & Wiley, D.E. (1964). Review of Hays' Statistics
for Psychologists: Educational and Psychological
Measurement 24, 724-726.
- Glass, G.V. (1964). Review of
Edwards' Expected Value of Discrete Random Variables
and Elementary Statistics: Educational and Psychological Measurement,
24, 969-971.
- Stanley, J.C. & Glass, G.V. (1964).
Review of Thorndike's The Concepts of Over and Underachievement:
Teachers College Record, 66, 282-284.
- Glass, G.V. & Mattson, D.E. (1965).
Review of Mouly's The Science of Educational Research.
Educational and Psychological Measurement, 25, 260 262.
- Glass, G.V. & Maguire, T.O.
(1966). Review of Ferguson's Statistical
Analysis in Psychology and Education. Educational and
Psychological Measurement, 26, 1075-1078.
- Glass, G.V. (1967). Review of Smith
and Adams' Educational Measurement for the Classroom
Teacher. Educational Forum, 31, 245-246.
- Glass, G.V. (1967). Review of Rozeboom's
Foundations of the Theory of Prediction. American
Educational Research Journal, 4, 398-401.
- Glass, G.V. (1967). Review of Remmers,
Gage and Rummel's A Practical Introduction
to Measurement and Evaluation. Educational
Forum, 31, 372 373.
- Glass, G.V. (1968). Review of Lindvall's
Measuring Pupils' Achievement and Aptitude. Educational
Forum, 32, 251.
- Hakstian, A.R. & Glass, G.V.
(1968). Review of Chassan's Research
Design in Clinical Psychology
and Psychiatry. Educational and Psychological Measurement,
28, 621-623.
- Burton, N.W. & Glass, G.V. (1969).
Review of Simon's Basic Research Methods in
Social Science. Educational and Psychological Measurement,
- Glass, G.V. & Remer, R. (1970).
Review of Fox's "The Research Process in Education." Contemporary
Psychology, 15, 277-8.
Glass G. V, & Remer, R. (1970). Nimium celeriter ne crepas
omnia quae legas. Contemporary Psychology, 15, 277-278.
- Glass, G.V. & Stanley, J.C. (1971).
Restatement of purposes. Contemporary Psychology, 16, 744.
- Glass, G.V. (1971). Review of
Gordon's "Survey of Personal Values" in Buros,
O.K. (Ed.), Seventh Mental Measurements Yearbook.
Highland Park, N.J.: Gryphon Press.
- Glass, G.V. (1971). Review
of Cottle's "School Interest Inventory," in Buros,
O.K. (Ed.), Seventh Mental Measurements Yearbook. Highland
Park, N.J.: Gryphon Press.
- Glass, G.V. & Willson, V.L.
(1971). Review of Meyer and Collier's Bayesian
Statistics, Phi Delta Kappan, 52(9), 562-3.
- Glass, G.V. (1973). Review of Broudy,
Ennis & Kimmerman's Philosophy of Educational
Research. Educational Forum, 38, 121- 122.
- Glass, G.V. (1973). Review of Cronbach et al. The
Dependability of Behavioral Measurements. The American Scientist.
- Glass, G.V. & Shepard, L.A. (1976).
Review of Mosteller and Rourke's Sturdy Statistics: Non-parametric
and Order Statistics. Contemporary Psychology, 21(6), 392-394 .
- Glass, G.V. & Asher, J.W. (1980).
Second generation quasi-experimental design.
Review of Cook & Campbell's Quasi-experimentation.
Contemporary Psychology, 25, 772-5.
- Glass, G.V. (1983). Evaluation methods synthesized.
Review of Cronbach's Designing Evaluations of
Educational and Social Programs. Contemporary Psychology,
28, 501-503.
- Glass, G.V. & Ellwein, M.C. (1984).
Review of As the Twig Is Bent...: Lasting Effects of Preschool
Programs. Science, 223, 273-4.
- Glass, G.V. (1986). Review of Hedges
and Olkin, Statistical Methods for Metaanalysis. American
Journal of Sociology.
- Glass, G.V. (1986). Data sharing:
Review of Feinberg et.al. (Eds.) Sharing Research Data.
Contemporary Psychology, 31(10), 774-775.
- Glass, G.V. (1986). Review of Mullen & Rosenthal's
BASIC Meta-analysis. Contemporary Psychology.
- Glass, G.V (1991). Review of Wachter & Straf, The Future of Meta-analysis.
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 86(416), 1141-1142.
- Glass, G. V. & Matthews, D. A. (1991). Are data enough? Review
of Chubb and Moe's Politics, markets, and America's schools.
Researcher, 20, 24-27.
- Glass, G.V. (1994). Review of John H. Chambers's Empiricist
Research on Teaching: A Philosophical and Practical Critique of its
Scientific Pretensions. Journal of Educational Thought, Vol.
28, April 1994, Pp. 127-30.
- Glass, G.V (1994). Review of Cooper, H. & Hedges, L.V. (Eds.) The Handbook
of Research Synthesis. Contemporary Psychology, 40(8), 736-738.
- Glass, G. V & Matthews, D. A. (2001).
Polmticas, mercados y escuelas en los Estados Unidos.
In Narodowski, Mariano; Andrada, Myrian y Nores Milagros (Eds.)
Nuevas tendencias en polmticas
educativas, Temas. Buenos Aires: Fundacisn Gobierno & Sociedad.
(Translated from Glass, G. V. & Matthews, D. A. (1991). Are data enough? Review
of Chubb and Moe's Politics, markets, and America's schools.
Researcher, 20, 24-27.)
- Glass, G. V (2003).
Review of William G. Howell & Paul E. Peterson The Education Gap: Vouchers and Urban Schools.
Contemporary Sociology, 32(5), 642-3.
- Glass, G. V & Dorn, S. (2006). Review of Willinsky's The Access Principle:
The Case for Open Access to Research and Scholarship.
Teachers College Record, 106. Retrieved April 18, 2006, from
- Glass, G. V, & Berliner, D. C. (2020, January 22). Essay review of Slaying Goliath:
The passionate resistance to privatization and the fight to save America’s public schools,
by D. Ravitch. Education Review, 27. http://dx.doi.org/10.14507/er.v27.2879
Articles or Writings in Popular Press:
- Glass, G.V. (1977). "Nadir" is
to "Nader" as "lowest" is to... National Review,
8 July, 29, 776-777.
- Glass, G.V. (1983). Eiseley's life in
his works. Pp. 3-6 in Gossin, P. (Ed.),
A Celebration of Loren Eiseley (with contributions
by Howard Nemeroy, John Janovy and
others). Lincoln, NE: Lincoln City Libraries.
- Glass, G.V. (2003, January 8). High-stakes AIMS is a brutal
test that hurts the students. The Arizona Republic.
- Glass, G. V. (2008). Are Demographics the nation's destiny? School Administrator, 65, 38-39.
- Glass, G. V (2009). Penny pinchers cheapen teaching through alternative routes.
School Administrator, 66(4). Available online. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from
- Glass, G. V (2009). Disspelling a prize-winner's disinformation. School Administrator, 66(October), p. 6.
- Glass, G. V (2010). Potholes in the road to virtual schooling. School Administrator, 67(April), 32-35.
- Glass, G. V (2014) Myth: Private schools are better. School Administrator, 71 August.
- Glass, G. V (2014) Myth: Homeschooling is better. School Administrator, 71 October, p. 12.
- Glass, G. V (2014) Myth: Incompetent staff can't be fired. School Administrator, 71 December, p. 13.
Papers & Reports:
- Glass, G. V & Stanley, J.C. (1962).
Effects of Correction for Differential Omissions on the
Internal Consistency of Tests. Paper presented
at the annual convention of the Psychonomic Society,
27 August, 1962, St. Louis, MO.
- Glass, G. V & Harris, C.W. (1964).
Factor analysis of true scores. Paper presented
for the Working Group on Factor Analysis,
December Urbana, ILL.
- Harris, C. W., Glass, G. V & Meinke,
D.L. (1964). Repeated measures analysis in experiments
on learning. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American
Psychological Association, 1964, Los Angeles, CA.
- Glass, G. V (1968). Reflections on Bloom's "Toward
a Theory of Testing Which Includes
Measurement-Evaluation-Assessment." Occasional Paper No.
11, UCLA, Center for the Study
of Evaluation.
- Glass, G. V & Maguire, T.O.
1968). Analysis of Time-series Quasi-experiments. Boulder,
CO: USDE Report #6-8329, Laboratory of Educational Research, University
of Colorado. (ERIC Identifier: ED024636).
- Glass, G. V (1968). Author's Guide
and Style Manual for the Review of Educational
Research. Washington D.C.: American Educational
Research Association.
- Glass, G. V 1968. (1968).
Some observations on training educational researchers.
Research Paper No. 22. Boulder, CO: Laboratory of Educational
Research, University of Colorado.
- Glass, G. V (1969). A Colorado
School Learning Assessment Program. Paper
presented to the Committee on Public Education of the Colorado
- Bauman, D. J., Glass, G. V & Harrington, S. A. (1969).
The effects of the position of an organizer on learning
meaningful verbal materials. Research Paper No. 24. Boulder, CO:
University of Colorado,
Laboratory of Educational Research.
- Mendro, R. L & Glass, G. V (1969).
The approximate sampling distribution of the
stratified-alpha generalizability coefficient.
Boulder, CO: University of Colorado, Laboratory
Educational Research. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
- Glass, G. V, Mendro, R. L. & White, A. L.
(1970). Test Items to Accompany Statistical Methods
in Education and Psychology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
- Wiley, D. E., Collins, J. R. & Glass, G. V (1970).
Sources of variation in multiple choice test performance.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Amer.
Educ. Res. Assoc., Minneapolis, March 1970.
Glass, G. V (with Booth, D. J., Collins, J. R., Erion, J.,
Horn, J. G., James, J. Perc, D., Peckham, F., Remer, R.,
Shepard, L., Wing, D. R. W.), (1970, August). Data
analysis of the 1968-69 survey of compensatory education
(Title I), (Final report grant #OEG 8-8-961860
4003-(58)). U.S.Department of Health, Education and
- Sanders, J. R., Jurs, S. G. & Glass,
G. V (1970). Analysis of 1968-69 Compensatory Education Survey for
Selected Subgroups of Pupils. Laboratory of Educational Research,
Univ of Colo., August 1970.
- Glass, G. V (1970). Statement to the House of Representatives
Committee on Education and Labor Concerning the
Omnibus Postsecondary Education Act of 1970 (HR 16098). 28
July 1970.
- Glass, G. V 91970). Data Analysis of the 1968-69 Survey of
Compensatory Education (Title I). Washington D.C.: U.S. Office
of Education, Sept. 1970.
- Bracht, G. H. & Glass, G. V (1970). Aptitude-treatment
interactions in learning the addition of signed numbers. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Amer. Educ.
Res. Assoc., Minneapolis, Minn., March 1970.
Gullickson, A. R., Nelson, L. R. & Glass, G. V (1971).
Violation of homogeneity of variance assumption in the
integrated moving averages time series model.
Boulder, CO: Laboratory of Educational Research, University of
Colorado. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, New York,
February, 1971.
- Scriven, M., Glass, G. V, Hively, W. & Stake, R.E. (1971).
An Evaluation System for Regional Labs and R & D Centers.
National Center for Educational Research and Development Resources,
U.S. Office of Education, August 1971.
- Glass, G. V (1971). Comments on Senate Bills
33, 41 and 42: The Accountability Acts of 1971. Paper presented to the
Colorado State Board
of Education, June 1971.
- Shepard, L. A. & Glass, G. V (1972). A Multitrait-Multimethod
Approach to the Construct Validation of "Acceptance of Self" and
"Acceptance of Others".
ERIC Identifier: ED096590.
- Glass, G. V (1973).
Exercises in Evaluation of a Large-Scale Educational Program.
Boulder, CO: Laboratory of Educational Research, University of
Colorado. (ERIC Identifier: ED096354).
- Glass, G. V (1973). On rereading Stake. Evaluation
Comment, 4, 3.
- Goodwin, W.L., & Glass, G.V. (l973). Incremental summative evaluation,
University of Colorado Medical Center Comprehensive Child
Care Project. Boulder: University of Colorado, Laboratory of Educational Research.
- Smith, M. L. & Glass, G. V (1975). Evaluation of Year-Round Schools.
Cherry Creek District 5. Educational Report.
ERIC Identifier: ED145537.
- Glass, G. V & Smith, M. L. Study of school drop-outs
in the Mesa County Valley School District
#51 for 1974-75: A report prepared
in connection with Civil Action #74-W-279. Boulder:
Laboratory of Educational Research, Univ of
Colorado, April 1975.
- Glass, G. V & Klingler, D. E.
Ethnic group differences in educational achievement
in Mesa County Valley School District #51: A report prepared
in connection with Civil Action #74-W-279. Boulder: Laboratory
of Educational Research, Univ of Colorado, January 1975.
- Smith, M. L. & Glass, G. V (June, 1976). Meta-analysis of
psychotherapy and counseling outcomes.
Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of
Psychotherapy Research, San Diego, CA.
- Hearold, S. & Glass, G. V
Review and plans for the study of Supreme Court impact on education.
Prepared for the Phi Delta Kappa Commission on
Impact of Court Decisions on Education, October 1976.
- Smith, M. L. & Glass, G. V (1976). Evaluation of Year-Round Schools.
Cherry Creek District 5. Second Year Final Report.
ERIC Identifier: ED145538.
Glass, G. V & Smith, M. L. (1977). "Pull-out: in compensatory education
(Paper prepared
for the Office
of the Commissioner, United States Office of Education). Boulder:
University of Colorado,
Laboratory of Educational Research,
(offset). (ERIC Identifier: ED160723).
- Glass, G. V, Coulter, D., Hartley, S., Hearold, S.,
Kahl, S., Kalk, J. and Sherretz, L. (1978). Teacher "indirectness"
and pupil achievement: An integration of findings.
Boulder, CO: University of Colorado, Laboratory of Educational Research.
18 pp.
- Mumford, E., Schlesinger, H.J. & Glass, G. V (1978).
A critical review and indexed bibliography of the literature
up to 1978 on the effects of psychotherapy on medical utilization.
Denver: Univ of Colorado Medical Center. 222 pp.
Glass, G. V & Smith, M. L. (1978). Statement to the United States Senate
Finance Committee on the
Benefits of Psychotherapy. Boulder: University of Colorado,
Laboratory of Educational Research, (offset).
- Smith, M. L. & Glass, G. V (1979).
Class-size and non-achievement effects. San
Francisco: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and
Development, July 1979.
- Schlesinger, H.J., Mumford, E. &
Glass, G. V (1979). The effects of psychological intervention
on recovery from surgery. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research;
Oxford, England; 23 June 1979.
- Barton, M. A. & Glass, G. V (1979).
Integrating studies that have quantitative independent
variables. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research Assoc.; San Francisco,
April 1979.
- Glass, G. V, Rutherford, A. R., Williams, D. D. & Barton, M. A.
An Evaluation of the bilingual/bicultural education program of Mesa
Valley County School District.
Boulder: Laboratory of Educational Research, Univ
of Colorado, March 1979, 30 pp.
- Schlesinger, H. J., Mumford, E.; &
Glass, G. V (1979). Mental health services and medical utilization.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Amer Assoc for the
of Science; San Francisco; 6 Dec. 1979.
- Glass, G. V (1979). Schooling and unemployed youth. Paper presented
at a symposium sponsored by the National Commission for
Employment Policy. Washington, D.C.; 6 Sept. 1979.
- Glass, G. V (1979). Synthesizing empirical
research: meta-analysis. Paper presented at a conference on
Research Synthesis, National Institute of Education; Washington D.C.;
15 November 1979.
- Mumford, E., Schlesinger, H. J. & Glass, G. V (1980).
Problems in Analyzing the Cost-Offset
Mental Health Services in Primary Care,
Mental Health System Reports, Mental Health Services in
Primary Care Settings, Series DN No. 2,
Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, 1980.
- Glass, G. V (1980). Psychoanalytic views of teaching: two
cases. Paper presented at the University of Illinois, 23 Jan. 1980,
40 pp.
- Glass, G. V (1981). The judges and
the social scientists. Paper delivered at
the Annual Meeting of the Colorado School Lawyers; Colorado Springs;
7 Dec. 1981, 19 pp.
- Glass, G. V (1980).
Integration of Research Studies: Meta-Analysis of Research. Methods
of Integrative Analysis; Final Report. Boulder, CO: Laboratory of
Educational Research, University of Colorado.
(ERIC Identifier: ED208003).
- Glass, G. V & Camilli, G. C. (1981).
"Follow Through" Evaluation. Boulder, CO: Laboratory of
Educational Research, University of Colorado.
(ERIC Identifier: ED244738).
- Glass, G. V (1981). Assessment of the effectiveness of computer-
assisted instruction in the ETS-Los Angeles study. In
Ragosta, M. (Ed.), Computer assisted
Instruction and Compensatory Education. Princeton, NJ:
- Schlesinger, H. J., Mumford, E., Glass,
G. V, Patrick, C. & Sharfstein, S. S. (1981). Mental health treatment
and medical care service utilization in a fee-for service systems,
Sept. 1981.
- Anderson, R. D., Kahl, S. R., Smith, M. L., Yeany,
R. H. & Glass, G. V (1981). The major questions
addressed by the extant science education research.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for
in Science Teaching; NY, March 1981.
- Schlesinger, H. J., Mumford, E., Glass,
G. V & Patrick, C. (1981). Medical utilization following
mental health treatment of persons with chronic physical diseases.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy
Research; Aspen, CO,; 20 June 1981.
- Kliegl, R. M. & Glass, G. V (1981).
Remarks on analysis of interrupted time series
experiments. Unpublished paper. Boulder:
Laboratory of Educational Research, Univ of Colo.
- Shepard, L. A., Smith, M. L., Davis, A., Glass, G. V,
Riley, A. & Vojir, C. (1981). Evaluation of
the identification of perceptual-communicative
disorders in Colorado. Boulder: Laboratory
of Educational Research, Univ of Colorado. Feb. 1981, 275 pp.
- Glass, G. V (1982). The accountability movement.
Paper presented at a Public Forum on Accountability in Education
of the League of Women Voters. Denver; 3 April 1982,
10 pp.
Glass, G. V (1982). Searching for Loren
Eiseley: An attempt at reconstruction from a few fragments.
Republished at the website American Buddha. Retrieved on July 15, 2003, from
- George, C. A. and Glass, G. V (1982). Evaluation Report on the Mesa
County Valley School District Year-round School Program. Laboratory
of Educational Research, Univ of Colorado, Oct. 1982, 34 pp.
- Scriven, M., Glass, G.V and Davis, W.A. (1982).
Evaluation of the Intensive Summer Language Training Programs. San Francisco:
University of San Francisco.
- Okada, M., Besel, R. R., Glass, G. V,
Montoya-Tannatt, L. & Bachelor, P. (1982).
Synthesis of reported Evaluation and Research
Evidence on the Effectiveness of Bilingual Education. Los Alamitos,
CA: National Center for Bilingual Research, 125 pp.
- Okada, M; Bessel, R. R.; Coen, C.; Glass,
G. V; Bachelor, P.; and Montoya-Tannatt, L. (1983) Synthesis
of Reported Evaluation and Research Evidence on the Effectiveness
of Bilingual Education. Los Alamitos, CA: National Center for Bilingual
Research, 97 pp.
- George, C. A. & Glass, G. V (1983). Evaluation Report
on the Mesa County Valley School District Year-round School
Program, 1982- 1983. Boulder: Laboratory
of Educational Research, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 32
- Glass, G. V (1983).
What's wrong with meta-analysis: interpreting
and using knowledge from the social sciences. Past President's
Invited Address to the Rocky Mountain Psychological Assoc. Salt Lake
City, Utah.
- Glass, G. V (1983). Class size,
tutoring and time-on-task. Paper presented to the Indiana State Board
of Education.
- Hopkins, B. R., Glass, G. V & Hopkins, K. D. (1984). Test Item
File for Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology,
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. 88 pp.
- Glass, G. V (1984). The Effectiveness
of Four Educational Interventions. Report
#84-A19, Institute for Research on Educational
Finance and Governance, Stanford University. 83 pp.
- Glass, G. V (1984). Comments
on Karier's "Roots of the Psychological Society:
Religion as an Obsessional Neurosis," Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
New Orleans; 24 April 1984.
- Kreitzer, A. & Glass, G. V (1986).
Policy considerations in conversion to year-round
schools. Occasional Paper #1, Laboratory
for Policy Studies in Education, University
of Colorado-Boulder, 12 pp.
- Glass, G. V & Ellwein, M. C. (1987). Some
generalizations about reform by raising test standards.
Paper presented at the 1987 Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, 24 April.
Washington, D. C.
- Ellwein, M. C. & Glass, G. V (1987).
Standards of Competence: A Multi-Site Case Study of School
Reform. Project: Effects of Testing Reforms and
Boulder, CO: Laboratory of Educational Research,
University of Colorado.
(ERIC Identifier: ED293883)
- Glass, G. V (1987). Two problems
in meta-analysis. Paper presented Keynote
address at the 60th annual meeting of the National Association for
Research on Science Teaching, 24 April, Washington, D. C.
- Hopkins, K. D., Glass, G. V & Hopkins, B. R.
(1987). Test Item File for Basic Statistics
for the Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition. Prentice- Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, N. J.
- Glass, G. V (1988) At Last—A Better A Way To Measure Class Size:
A step-by-step guide for local associations. Washington, D.C.: National
Education Association. 9 pp.
- Ellwein, M. C. & Glass, G. V (1988). Tests for admission to
teacher training: Uncommon views of test bias. Pp. 133-142 in Gunn, C.
(Ed.) Proceedings of the Holmes Group. Salt Lake City, Utah: School of
Education, University of Utah.
- Hicken, S. & Glass, G. V (1989) EZQuant. (A computer manual.)
Phoenix, AZ: Microsystems.
- Lee, F. Y., Moyer, J. & Glass, G. V (1989). The relationship
of temperament to play behavior in young children. Paper presented to the
Southwestern Society for Research in Human Development. April, 1990.
- Kreitzer, A. & Glass. G. V (1990). Policy Considerations
in Conversion to Year-round Schools. New Brunswick Educational
No. 19. April 1990, 1 - 5.
- Glass, G. V (1990). Interview with Gene Glass. Network News,
1, No. 3, Spring, 1-3. (Newsletter of the Arizona Educational
Evaluation Network; ISSN 1047-6156.)
- Glass, G. V (1991). Some remarks on setting standards for the National
Assessment. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Chicago, April 4, 1991.
- Guzzetti, B. J., Snyder, T. E. & Glass, G. V (1991). Promoting conceptual
change in science: Can texts be used effectively? Paper presented at
the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association. Chicago, April 4, 1991.
- Guzzetti, B. J. & Glass, G. V (1992) Promoting conceptual change in
science: A comparative meta-analysis of instructional interventions from
reading education and science education. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
April 1992, San Francisco.
- Glass, G. V (1992). Meta-analysis in exercise science. Paper presented
the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. San Diego,
CA. November 13, 1992.
- Glass, G. V & Martinez, B. (1993). The politics of Teacher Evaluation.
Paper commissioned by the Center for Research on Accountability and
Teacher Evaluation, Western Michigan University. Presented at its
Cross-cutting Theory Conference, June 4-6, 1993, and subsequently
published in the Proceedings and the Center's Monograph Series.
- Glass, G. V (1993). Education resources on the INTERNET. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association. Atlanta: April.
- Glass, G. V (1994). Papyrophiles vs. cybernauts: The future of scholarly
publication. Invited address to the Midwestern Educational Research
Association. Chicago, Ill: October 13, 1994.
- Glass, G. V (1995). AERA and Educational Research in the Next
Century. Paper presented at the AERA Ex-Presidents Panel at the
AERA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, April 1995.
- Lee, F. Y., Glass, G. V & Hattick, V. (1996). Teachers' perceptions of
Asian parent involvment in elementary schools. Presented at Assoc. for
Teacher Education in St. Louis, February 1996).
- Webb, L. D., Glass, G. V, Metha, A. & Cobb, C. D.
Economic correlates of suicide
in the United States (1929-1992): a time series
analysis. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.
Paper presented at the annual conference of the American
Association of Suicidology. Bethesda, MD. April 17, 1998.
- Cobb, C. D., & Glass, G. V (April 1998). Enrollment trends
in urban school districts: racial and economic segregation. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, San Diego, CA.
- Glass, G. V & Cobb, C. D. (1997). Projected impact on
minority groups of the Arizona graduation competency
test. Education Policy Studies Laboratory,
Policy Brief No. 27, College of Education, Arizona State
- Berliner, D., Glass, G. V., Vrasidas, C., Fetterman, D., &
Behrens, J. (1999, April). The nature of scholarly reporting on the
internet. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
- Glass, G. V & Martinez, B. A. (1999) The Politics of Teacher
Evaluation. Tempe, AZ: College of Education, Arizona State University.
(First presented at the Cross-cutting Theory Conference on Teacher
Evaluation of CREATE, Western Michigan Univ., July 1993.)
- Glass, G. V (1999). Meta-analysis at 25. Paper presented to
Office of Special Education Programs
Research Project Directors' Conference, U.S. Department of Education.
Washington D.C., July 15,1999.
Tirupalavanam G. G., Glass, G. V, Andrews, S., Middleton,
J. A., Leavy, A., and Jennings, T. (2000).
Scholarly Electronic Journals: Economic and Technical Issues.
Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Association
of Educational Communications and Technology. Long Beach,
CA. February 17, 2000.
Glass, G. V (2000). The future of meta-analysis. Paper presented at the
UC-Berkeley—Stanford Colloquium on Meta-Analysis. Department of
Psychology, University of California-Berkeley. March 17, 2000.
Cobb, C. D., Glass, G. V & Crockett, C. (2000).
The U.S. Charter School Movement and Ethnic
Segregation. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. April 2000.
Available online at
MacSwan, J. & Glass, G. V (2000).
Problems of Construct Validity with the Pre-LAS Espanol and Other Reasons
Not to Assess Children's Native Language.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. April 2000.
Retrieved June 19, 2005 from
Glass, G. V (2000). Anonymous FTP: Dare we risk it?
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. April 2000.
Available: http://glass.ed.asu.edu/gene/papers/aera2000/
Glass, G. V (2000). The Tolerance of Psychometric Oversimplifications.
Paper presented at the RACE 2000 Conference. Tempe, AZ. January 2000.
Ganesh, T. G., Glass, G. V, Andrews, S., Middleton, J. A., Jennings, T.
A. & Leavy, A. (2000). Scholarly electronic journals: Economic and
issues. In K. E., Sparks & M. Simonson (Eds.), 22nd Annual
Selected Research and Development Papers Presented at the 2000 National
Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and
(pp. 129-136). Columbus, OH: RTS & Associates, Inc.
- Glass, G. V & MacSwan, J. (2001). Problems in applying traditional
psychometric criteria in the development of tests of native language
ability. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association. Seattle, April 9-14.
- Glass, G. V (2001). Foreword to The Great Psychotherapy Debate
by Bruce Wampold. New York, N.Y.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Glass, G. V (2002). Why the Academy doesn't value the scholarship of teaching.
Paper presented at the Conference on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University, January 24, 2002.
- Vrasidas, C. & Glass, G. V (2002). A conceptual framework for studying distance
education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. April 4, 2002.
- Rolstad, K., Mahoney, K. & Glass, G. V (2002). The big picture: Meta-analysis and the
effectiveness debate in bilingual education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. April 5, 2002.
- Glass, G. V & Edholm, C. A. (2002).
The AIMS Test and the Mathematics Actually Used by Arizona Employees. Tempe, AZ:
Education Policy Studies Laboratory, Arizona State University.
Available at
- Cobb, C. D. & Glass, G. V (2003).
Arizona Charter Schools: Resegregating Public Education?
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL. April 24, 2003.
- Glass, G. V (2004). Teacher evaluation. Policy Brief
EPSL-0401-112-EPRU. Tempe, AZ: Education Policy Studies
Laboratory, Arizona State University. Available
- Glass, G. V (2004). The Condition of Choice in Arizona Public Schools: 2004.
Brief #10 in Molnar, A. (Ed.). The Condition of Pre-K-12 Education in Arizona: 2004.
Tempe, AZ: Education Policy Studies Laboratory. Available at
- Glass, G. V (2005). Tomorrow's Scholarship in Education: Free-To-Read. Show and Tell,
Vol. 1, 18-19. (Published by the College of Education, Arizona State University.)
- Glass, G. V (2005). In memoriam, Julian Cecil Stanley. National Academy of
Education Notes, 7(2), 10.
- Nichols, S.L., Glass, G. V., & Berliner, D. C. (2005, September). High-Stakes testing and student
achievement: Problems for the No Child Left Behind Act. EPSL-0509-105-EPRU. Retrieved September 29, 2005 from,
Glass, G. V (2006). Review of "The Financial Impact of
Ohio's Charter Schools." Tempe, AZ: Education Policy Studies
Laboratory, Arizona State University. Retrieved August 1, 2006
from http://www.asu.edu/educ/epsl/EPRU/ttreviews/EPSL-0608-204-EPRU.pdf
- Glass, G. V (2006). Introduction to Rallis, S. F.; Rossman, G. B.; Reagan, T. G.; Cobb, C. D.; & Kuntz, A. M.
(2007). Leading Dynamic Schools: How to Create and Implement Ethical Policies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin
- Nichols, S., Karcher, M., Glass, G.V., & Berliner, D. C. (2007, April). High-stakes testing and teachers: A
study of state policy on teacher morale and job satisfaction. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
- Nichols, S.L., Karcher, M., Glass, G. V, & Berliner, D. C. (2007). The impact of high-stakes testing on
morale and job satisfaction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest Educational
Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
- Glass, G. V (2007) Report Card on Education Gets Bad Grades on Research, Analysis. Think Tank Review Project.
Tempe, AZ: Education Policy Studies Laboratory, Arizona State University. Retrieved January 15, 2007 from
- Nichols, S. L.; Karcher, M.; Glass, G. V; Berliner, D. C. (2007).
The impact of high-stakes testing on teacher morale and job satisfaction.
Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association. April 12,2007, Chicago, IL.
- Glass, G. V (2007). Is past prologue? Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
April 10, 2007, Chicago, IL.
- Glass, G. V Foreword to Rallis, Sharon F.;
Rossman, Gretchen B.;
Cobb, Casey D.; Reagan, Timothy G.; Kuntz, Aaron
M. (2008). Leading Dynamic Schools: How to
Create and Implement Ethical Policies.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
- Glass, G. V (2008). Alternative
certification of teachers.
Boulder, CO: Education and the Public Interest
Center, University
of Colorado. Retrieved June 1, 2008, from
- Glass, G. V (2009, March) Contributor and Signatory to "Speaker of the
Arizona House Of Representatives and President of the Arizona Senate,
Petitioners v. Miriam Flores, et al. Respondents. On Writ of Certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
Brief Amici Curiae of AERA Past-Presidents in Support of Neither Party."
- Glass, Gene V & Welner, Kevin G. (2011). Online K-12 schooling in the U.S.
Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center, School of Education,
University of Colorado Boulder. Avaialbale at
- Glass, Gene V (2014). Review of The Productivity of Public Charter
Schools. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center. Retrieved
August 19, 2014 from http://nepc.colorado.edu/thinktank/review-productivity-public-charter.
- Glass, G.V. Translation
of "Der Irrtum des Pestalozzi" (Pestalozzi's
Error) by Siegfried Bernfeld (Zeitschrift
fur Psychoanalytische Padagogik, 1926-27, 1, 136-142) August 1980.
- Glass, G.V. Translation of "Die Erziehung des
Erziehers" (The Education of the Educator) by Mary
Chadwick (Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalytische Padagogik,
1930, 4, 356-370.) July 1980.
- Glass, G.V. Translation of "Ein Beitrag zur
Psychoanalyse des Padagogen" (A contribution to Psychoanalytic Pedagogy)
by Steff Bornstein (Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalytische
Padagogik, 1933, Vol. 7, pp. 314-321). 12 pp. June 1980.
- Glass, G.V. Translation of "Zur Psychologie
des Lehrers, der Schuldisziplin und des Strafens" (On the Psychology
of the Teacher, School Discipline and Punishment) by
Sybille L. Yates (Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalytische Padagogik,
1931, 5, 300-303.)
- Glass, G.V. Translation of "Padagogische Diskussionsbemerkungen
zur psychoanalytischen Trieblehre" (Pedagogical Observations
on Psychoanalytic Drive Principles) by
Frieda Fromm-Reichman (Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalytische
Padagogik, 1930, Vol. 1, pp. 38-44). July 1980.
Service to Government and Professional Organizations
Chairman, American Educational Research Association,
Research Training Presessions Committee, February 1967-1968.
Member of the Head Start Research and
Evaluation Committee, Office of Economic Opportunity,
November 1967-1969.
Chairman of Graduate Student Seminars
Program, AERA Annual Meeting, 1970.
Chairman, Educational Testing Service Invitational Conference
on Testing Problems, 1970.
Member-at-Large of the Association Council
of the American Educational Research Association,
Member of the President's Committee on Mental Retardation, 1978-79.
Advisory Board on Education, RAND Corporation, 1974-78.
Analysis Advisory Committee of the
National Assessment of Educational Progress,
Co-founder and Chair (1999-200) of the AERA Special Interest Group on Communication of
Member of numerous panels, ad hoc committees and site-visit teams
for the Federal Government from 1965 to the present.
Research Management
Served as principal or co-principal
investigator on the following research or research training
Principal Investigator, Analysis of Time-Series Experiments. 1965-67.
USOE small-contract program: $6,000
Principal Investigator, AERA Research Training Sessions Program.
1968. USOE: $86,000.
Co-investigator (with K.D. Hopkins), Title IV Research Training Program
of the Laboratory of Educational Research,
University of Colorado. 1967-1980 USOE: $325,000
Principal Investigator: Evaluation of Compensatory Education.
1970. USOE: $105,000
Principal Investigator: Evaluation of Compensatory Services to Special
Student Populations. 1970. USOE: $25,000
Co-investigator (with William L. Goodwin):Design for a Consortium for
the Training of Educational Evaluators and
Developers. 1970. $40,000
Co-investigator (with Blaine R. Worthen), Recommendations for
the Evaluation of Experimental Schools Projects of USOE. 1971.
USOE: $25,000
Principal Investigator, Acceptance of Self and Acceptance of
USOE: $4,500
Principal and Co-Investigator (with Kenneth
Hopkins). Assessment of Educational Progress in Colorado. 1968-72.
Colorado Department of Education: $30,000
Principal Investigator, Project MIX. 1971. Colorado Department
of Education: $3,100
Principal Investigator. Benefits of Psycho-therapy. Spencer Foundation,
1976-78. $30,000
Principal Investigator. Methods of Research Integration. National
Institute of Education, 1978-80. $90,000
Co-Investigator with Herbert Schlesinger and Emily Mumford-University
of Colorado, Health Sciences Center). Cost-offset of medical
expenses from psychotherapy. National Institutes
of Mental Health, 1979-83. $300,000
Principal Investigator. Case Studies on Raising Standards: A multisite
naturalistic study of educational reform. OERI, U.S. Department of Education.
1985-86. $80,000
Co-Investigator with Zung vu Tran, Arizona State University. $150,000
grant from the National Institutes of Health for research on the Effects
of Exercise on Low Density Lipoproteins. 1988-1990.
Principal Investigator. Assessment of Cisco Networking Academies.
grant from Cisco Systems. 1998-99.
Principal Investigator. Digitizing of the Journal of American Indian
Education. $22,000 grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
Foundation. 1999
Principal Investigator. Telecommunications Services to the American
Educational Research Association. $60,000. 1997-2005.
Co-principal Investigator. Discipline Based Study of Education. Spencer Foundation.
$400,000. 2002-2005.
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