Meta-analysis is a statistical technique that combines data from multiple studies on the
same topic to explore trends. In today’s education world, the approach is often associated
with Australian education professor John Hattie, who is best known for his popular 2009
book, Visible Learning. Hattie synthesized the results of multiple meta-analyses to provide
guidance on what influences student achievement. But long before Hattie came Gene
Glass, whom the Oxford English Dictionary credits with coining the term in 1976 in con-
nection with his work on psychotherapy. In the Q&A below, Glass explains and reflects on
meta-analysis and its uses and abuses inside and outside of education. Glass is a Research
Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder and a Fellow and senior researcher at the
National Education Policy Center. A Regents Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University,
he is also a Lecturer at San José State University. Glass has won multiple honors for his
work, including the Palmer O. Johnson award of the American Educational Research Association,
as well as the AERA’s career award for Distinguished Contributions to Research.
Trained as a statistician, he is an expert in psychotherapy research, evaluation methodology, and policy analysis.
Q: What is a meta-analysis? How, if at all, are meta-analyses useful for teachers,
administrators, policymakers, journalists, and others outside of academia?
A: Meta-analysis is a statistical technique to deal with the problem of extracting meaning
from multiple studies of the same question. What is the correlation of SAT scores with
freshman GPA? Can tutoring increase SAT-V and SAT-Q scores? How can we determine
what these 25 studies of the question have to say?
Q: When and why did researchers start conducting meta-analyses?
A: Research in the soft sciences (viz., certain areas of psychology, sociology, and all of
the minor disciplines like education, social work, business, nursing, and the like) exploded
in the 1960s. Whereas before, one really well-done study on the effectiveness of Rogerian
psychotherapy seemed to settle the matter, by the 1970s a few dozen outcome experiments
competed for attention. Their findings were inconsistent to a greater or lesser extent. Their
message was unclear.
Q: How do meta-analyses differ from other types of research summary, research
synthesis, or literature review?
A: Narrative reviews, like those that populated journals such as Psychological Bulletin
or the Review of Educational Research – both of which I edited in the 1970s, incidentally
– were attempts to coalesce findings of multiple studies. They relied heavily on notions of
“statistical significance,” and they largely failed to reach a conclusion. Classic statistical
significance in the soft sciences is attained by taking large samples; it’s really that simple.
Studies with large Ns – numbers of subjects, or observations – achieve statistical significance;
studies with small Ns do not. Statistically significant results may not be of any
practical significance. Paul Meehl called collections of significance tests “empirical power
curves,” i.e., worthless displays of which studies had large Ns and which did not.
As research areas grew and studies on a single question could number in the dozens or
even hundreds, attempts to discern trends in large masses of findings usually resulted
in confusion. Prior to the introduction of meta-analysis, and regrettably too often afterwards,
the typical research review ended with a call for more and better research, the vain
search for the perfect study. But the perfect study never comes, and the mass of undigested
study findings just lay there waiting to be analyzed.
Meta-analysis represents a simple change in perspective. Statistical methods aim to derive
meaning from collections of data that in their individuality are uninterpretable or confusing.
All 365 high-temperature readings for 2015 in Bismarck, North Dakota, reveal little;
but 12 monthly averages displayed on graph paper paint a clear picture. The calculation
of the correlation of SAT and GPA for 500 freshmen is what we call “primary analysis.”
The calculation of the average of 20 correlation coefficients from different studies of SAT
& GPA correlation is called “meta-analysis.” The findings of multiple studies are data for
a meta-analysis, just as the data points in a single study are data for a primary analysis.
Q: What are the pros and cons of using a meta-analysis to summarize a body of
A: People who disliked the findings of some early meta-analyses – particularly those in
the field of psychotherapy outcome research – thought they spotted a fatal flaw in the
approach. “You can’t compare the results of studies unless the studies are the same.” The
Apples & Oranges problem, they called it.
The meta-analysis critics had fervor and indignation on their side. One labeled it
“meta-silliness.” Unfortunately, they had no ally in logic. The consideration of these
critics’ objection led me eventually to a central problem in modern philosophy: the identity problem.
The first 100 or so pages of Robert Nozick’s magnum opus Philosophical Explanations deal
with the question, what does it mean to say that two things are identical? The very assertion
that A and B are identical is self-contradictory, since two things that are identical are
the same thing, hence there are not two things. If experiment A and experiment B are “the
same,” then there is no need to coalesce their findings because their findings will have to
be the same.
I won’t get into the details of how Nozick resolves the identity problem, but I will say that
meta-analysis resolves the Apples & Oranges problem as he would have. The findings of
studies A, B, C, D, etc. are arrayed and their variation as a function of characteristics X,
Y, and Z are analyzed. For example, the 50 correlations of SAT and GPA for Males and the
65 correlations for Females are recorded and it is seen if they differ. If they do not, or if
the correlations appear to differ very little, they might be averaged. Whether the SAT-GPA
correlation question shows different answers across the mediating variable Sex, or Type of
University, is not an a priori question; it is an empirical question answered by statistical
analysis, or meta-analysis in this case.
Q: In recent years, John Hattie’s syntheses of meta-analyses have grown wildly
popular with K-12 practitioners and others. Do you have advice on how Hattie’s
work can best be understood and used?
A: Hattie’s work has been unfairly criticized, most inappropriately by Robert Slavin.
Slavin claimed that, “The essential problem with Hattie’s meta-meta-analyses is that they
accept the results of the underlying meta-analyses without question. Yet many, perhaps
most meta-analyses accept all sorts of individual studies of widely varying standards of
quality.” Well, Slavin is just flat wrong about this. Many meta-analyses have shown that
distinctions between “good” and “bad” studies have proven to be irrelevant in accounting
for differences in the results. As heretical as that may sound, it is nonetheless true.
I suspect it arises from the fact that most collections of studies are not composed of “good” and
“bad” studies, but of studies that can be classified as “good,” “better,” and “best.”
Hattie’s contribution to discussions about education policy is that his work suggests where
teachers and other might look to try to improve teaching and learning. All of education
research fails to give directives for individual action. Rather, it illustrates perspectives one
can take for making sense of individual experience. It’s not that Duckworth’s research on
Grit tells any teacher what to do. It’s that “persistence” and “resilience” might be one useful
way for teachers to look at their students.
The reality of meta-analyses in education is that the findings of studies on a single topic
like Feedback or Peer Tutoring can vary greatly. I have repeatedly observed that the effects
of an intervention in teaching and learning vary substantially around their average.
One study of Peer Tutoring might show a large benefit to student achievement and the next
study might show a very small benefit or none at all. In this case, the take-away message
is not that Peer Tutoring has an average benefit of .60 sigma; it’s that Peer Tutoring, a
promising intervention, can be done well or poorly. Good luck seeking the way to do it well.
Hattie’s results, like the results of meta-analyses themselves, result in part from the
underlying choice of outcome measures, which are often test scores with their attendant strengths
and weaknesses. So, for example, an intervention that involves practicing taking tests may
show big effects on outcomes that are little more than tests like those they have practiced.
Some seemingly impressive interventions in Hattie’s lists likely fall into that category.
Q: What are some common uses and abuses of the meta-analysis approach?
A: Given that even single education interventions show extremely variable benefits, the
premium in any meta-analysis is to discover the conditions under which the benefits are
big or small. Peer tutoring might work well with tutors older than 13, but not as well or at
all with younger tutors. Ignoring this fact or failing even to investigate it is to fall short of
one’s objective to produce practical knowledge.
This is why meta-analysis has had a checkered history in education while having enjoyed
great success in medicine. For every educator who says, “Meta-analysis is garbage-in-garbage-out,”
there are 10 MDs who say, “Yes, I learned about meta-analyses in med school,
and I rely on their findings in my specialty.” The difference is that meta-analyses in
medicine have often shown consistent results across studies (e.g., clinical trials of a new drug)
while meta-analyses in education do not. Surely this arises from the fact that interventions
in medicine (e.g., intravenous injection of 10 mg of Nortriptyline) are uniform and well
defined whereas even interventions that carry the same label in education are subject to
substantial variation from place to place, or time to time. Giving students Feedback can
take many different forms, some of which are effective and some of which are not.
Q: How would you like to see the approach used in the future?
A: Some of the shortcomings of meta-analysis applied to the soft sciences could be overcome
if those synthesizing the results of multiple studies had access to the raw data from
those studies. Primary statistical analyses often obscure mediating relationships that might
someday prove to be crucial. It is now well known, for example, that certain stimulants
like caffeine will calm prepubescent children while they hype up postpubescent children.
Studies that ignored the mediating variable Puberty and averaged across a wide range of
ages have lost valuable knowledge that might be recovered if the original data were
available to meta-analysts. So much could be learned by secondary analyses of original study
data. Fortunately, the situation in medical research is far ahead of that in the soft sciences.
“Numerous organizations now recommend or require raw data to be made available, including
the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, which recently proposed
that clinical trial data sharing be a ‘condition of ... publication.’”